MTech Introduction To Biochemical Engineering syllabus for 1 Sem 2018 scheme 18BBC13

Module-1 MODULE – 1 10 hours


An overview of traditional and modern applications of biotechnological processes, Roles and responsibilities of a Chemical engineer in bioprocess industry, Steps in bioprocess development. Biology of the cell, classification, construction and cell nutrients. Industrial enzymes -, Nomenclature and Classification of enzymes, structure and functions of enzymes with relevant case studies.

Module-2 MODULE – 2 10 hours


Mixing-Power requirement (Calculation of power no), Ungassed and gassed fluids, factors affecting the broth viscosity, Mixing equipments (Banbury mixers, Muller Mixers), Size Reduction(laws of size reduction, Mechanical efficiency and crushing efficiency Concept of Sphericity, Volume surface Mean Diameter, Arithmetic Mean Diameter, Mass mean diameter, Volume Mean Diameter and Proof for sphericity is unity for regular object) Crushing equipments (Jaw crusher, Garyatory crusher, Shredders, Ball mill) Filtration (constant pressure and constant rate filtration explanations with only the equations.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Module-3 MODULE – 3 10 hours


(Rotary filters, Plate and frame filters and Leaf filters) Settling and its type (free and Hindred settling: equation for newtons, Intermediate Stokes regimes and Criteria for selection of the equation) Problems, Size Enlargement operations. Flow pattern in agitated vessel, Role of shear in fermentation broth, bubble shear, rheological behavior of fermentation broth, 3-D Continuity equation, Pressure drop in flow through packed bed and Fluidized bed (Kozeny, Carman, Blake Plummer Equations), Flow of compressible fluids, Time to empty the liquid from a tank (Rectangle Tank and Hemispherical Tank), problems, Problems on calculation of resultant velocity and resultant acceleration of fluid on space ordinates (x,y,z). Numerical Problems.

Module-4 MODULE – 4 10 hours


Procedure for Energy balance and Energy balance for cell culture, Concept of Internal energy, Enthalpy-calculations procedure (Enthalpy and internal energy changes calculations using first law of Thermodynamics), calculations of Entropy changes (Entropy changes for constant Temperature, Constant volume, constant pressure and work lost due to entropy) Differential equations of Entropy, Problems on entropy and Its calculations, Gibbs Free energy and other free energies of systems, Effect of temperature and Pressure on the Gibbs free energy and Helmoltz free energy. Discussion of case studies.

Module-5 MODULE – 5 10 hours


Overview of Industrial Heat Exchangers (Construction and working principle of DPHE, STHE, Helical coil heat exchangers along with the heat transfer equations) and Concept of LMTD, Boiling Condensation, Nucleate and film boiling (Regimes of pool boiling) Regenerators and Recupretors. Transient growth kinetics, measurement of microbial population by turbidometry and studying the effect of temperature, pH, carbon and nitrogen Batch, fed batch and continuous cultures. Discussion of design strategies and case studies.