MTech Food Technology syllabus for 1 Sem 2018 scheme 18BCE153

Module-1 Introduction and Quality Attributes of Food 10 hours

Introduction and Quality Attributes of Food:

Function of foods. Food in relation to health. Aim of food science and technology. Quality attributes – Appearance factors, Textural factors, Flavour factors. Visual and objectively measurable attributes. Aroma of foods – introductory ideas, formation, chemistry and analysis. Taste – introductory ideas, formation and chemistry. Additional quality; quality standards, quality control. Introduction to sensory evaluation of foods and beverages.


Formation and Chemistry of Food:

Carbohydrates. Proteins. Lipids. Vitamins. Minerals. Water. Biotin. Choline. Phytochemicals.

Module-2 Food Processing and Preservation 10 hours

Food Processing and Preservation:

Food deterioration – Causes. Aims and objectives of preservation and processing. Unit operations in processing. Different methods of food preservation – low temperature, high temperature, preservatives, osmotic pressure, dehydrations. food irradiation; processing and preservations of milk and dairy, vegetables and fruits, cereals, legumes and nuts, meat and meat products, fats and oils, beverages, sugars, sweeteners, honey and confectionary, salt and spices.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Module-3 Enzymatic and Non-Enzymztic reactions during storages 10 hours

Enzymatic and Non-Enzymztic reactions during storages:

Introduction to enzymes. Nature and function of enzymes. Classification of enzymes. Hydrolases – Esteraus, amylases, pectic enzymes. Proteases. Oxidoreductases – phenolases, glucose oxidase, catalose, peroxidase, lipoxygenase, xantine oxidase. Immobilized enzymes. Uses and suggested uses of enzyme in food processing. Non-enzymatic reactions.

Module-4 Food Additives 10 hours

Food Additives:

Introduction and need for food additives. Types of additives – antioxidants, chelating agents, coloring agents, curing agents, emulsions, flavors and flavor enhancers, flavor improvers, humectants and anti choking agents, leavening agents, nutrient supplements, non-nutritive sweeteners, pH control agents. Preservatives – types and applications. Stabilizers and thickeners, other additives. Additives and food safety.

Module-5 Food Contamination and Adulteration 10 hours

Food Contamination and Adulteration:

Types of adulterants and contaminants. Intentional adulterants. Metallic contamination. Incidental adulterants. Nature and effects. Food laws and standards.


Modern Trends in Food Science:

Biotechnology in food. Biofortification. Nutraceuticals. Organic foods. Low cost nutrient supplements. Packaging of foods and nutrition labelin. Careers in food science and food industries.