MTech Highway Construction And Maintenance syllabus for 1 Sem 2018 scheme 18CHT14

Module-2 Module-2 10 hours

Pre-construction surveys and marking on ground - Specifications and steps for the construction of road formation in embankment and cut, construction steps for subgrade (preparation of subgrade) in cutting, filling and at grade. Construction steps for granular sub-base, quality control tests.

Module-3 Module-3 10 hours

Different types of granular base course – WMM, CRM, WBM, specifications, construction method and quality control tests. Different types of bituminous layers for binder and surface courses, their specifications (as per IRC and MORTH), construction method and quality control tests. Special structural courses like stone matrix asphalt and mastic asphalt and construction of porous asphalt.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Module-4 Module-4 10 hours

Different types of sub-base and base course for cement concrete (CC) pavement and construction method.

Construction of cement concrete (PQC) pavements and joints, quality control during construction. Construction of special Cement concrete pavements like interlocking concrete block pavements (ICBP), Continuously reinforced cement concrete pavements (CRCP), Fibre reinforced cement concrete pavements (FRCP), white topping, Ultra thin white topping etc.


General Aspects:

Quality assurance, statistical approach, quality system for road construction. Safety aspects during road construction and maintenance works. Installation of various traffic safety devices and information system Principle of construction planning, application of CPM and PERT( Problems not included)

Module-5 Module-5 10 hours

Road maintenance works – day to day and periodic maintenance works of various components of road works and road furniture. Preventive maintenance of road drainage system, pavements and other components of road. Preparation of existing pavement – patching, profile correction, Special measures to deal with reflection cracks in pavement layers, slipperiness of surface, etc. Requirements for rehabilitation, recycling and re-construction.