MTech Advanced Design Of Rc Structures syllabus for 1 Sem 2018 scheme 18CSE12

Module-1 Module-1 10 hours

  • Design of R C slabs by yield line method 
  • Design of flat slabs
Module-2 Module-2 10 hours

  • Design of grid or coffered floors
  • Design of continuous beams with redistribution of moments
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Module-3 Module-3 10 hours

  • Design of R C Chimneys
Module-4 Module-4 10 hours

  • Design of R C silos
  • Design of R C bunkers
Module-5 Module -5 10 hours


Introduction, Requirements of good formwork, Materials for forms, choice of formwork, Loads on formwork, Permissible stresses for timber, Design of formwork, Shuttering for columns, Shuttering for slabs and beams, Erection of Formwork, Action prior to and during concreting, Striking of forms. Recent developments in form work.