MTech Matrix Methods Of Structural Analysis syllabus for 1 Sem 2022 scheme 22CSE12

Unit-1 Basic concepts of structural analysis and methods of solvingsimultaneous equations 0 hours

Basic concepts of structural analysis and methods of solvingsimultaneous equations:

Introduction, Types of framed structures, Static and Kinematic Indeterminacy, Equilibrium equations, Compatibility conditions, Principle of superposition, Energy principles, Equivalent joint loads, Methods of solvinglinear simultaneous equations- Gauss elimination method, Cholesky method and Gauss-Siedalmethod.

Unit-2 Fundamentals of Flexibility and Stiffness Methods 0 hours

Fundamentals of Flexibility and Stiffness Methods:

Conceptsof stiffness and flexibility, Local and Global coordinates, Development of element flexibility and element stiffness matrices for truss, beam and grid elements, Force-transformation matrix,Development of global flexibility matrix for continuous beams,plane trusses and 1rigid plane frames, Displacement-transformation matrix, Development of global stiffness matrix for continuous beams, plane trusses and rigid plane frames.

Unit-3 Analysis using Flexibility Method 0 hours

Analysis using Flexibility Method:

Continuous beams, plane trusses and rigid plane frames

Unit-4 Analysis using Stiffness Method 0 hours

Analysis using Stiffness Method:

Continuous beams, plane trusses and rigid plane frames

Unit-5 Direct Stiffness Method 0 hours

Direct Stiffness Method:

Stiffness matrix for truss element in local and global coordinates, Analysis of plane trusses, Stiffness matrix for beam element, Analysis of continuousbeams and orthogonal frames.


Course outcomes:

Upon completing this course, the students will be able to:

  • C01: Formulate force displacement relation by flexibility and stiffness method
  • Co2: Analyze the plane trusses, continuous beams and portal framestransformation approach
  • Co3: Analyse the structures by direct stiffness method


Question paper pattern:

  • The question paper will have ten questions
  • Each question carries equal marks, there will be two full questions or with a maximum of four sub questions from each module
  • Students will have to attend five full questions from each module.


Reference Books:

1. Weaver, W., and Gere, J.M., Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures, CBS Publishers and distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2004.

2. Rajasekaran, S., and Sankarasubramanian, G., Computational Structural Mechanics, PHI, New Delhi, 2001.

3. Martin, H, C., Introduction to Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966.

4. Rubinstein, M.F., Matrix Computer Analysis of Structures, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1966.

5. Beaufait, F.W., Rowan, W. H., Jr., Hoadely, P. G., and Hackett, R. M., Computer Methods of Structural Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1970.

6. Kardestuncer, H., Elementary Matrix Analysis of Structures, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1974.