MTech Pavement Materials Laboratory syllabus for 1 Sem 2018 scheme 18CTML16

Module-1 Module 1 0 hours


Basic Tests-Gradation-dry and wet-Hydrometer Analysis- Attenberg Limits- Compaction Test- Sp. Gr Test-Density-Sand Replacement Method-Core Cutter method - CBR Test

Module-2 Module 2 0 hours

Coarse Aggregate:

Gradation- Routhfutch Method- Shape tests-Aggregate Impact Test- Los Angeles Abrasion Test – Compressive strength of Aggregates- Specific Gravity Test and Water Absorption Test

A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Module-3 Module 3 0 hours

Cement Concrete:

Normal Consistency Test- Sp. Gravity Test on Cement- Fineness test Cement-Compressive strength of Cement- Tests on Fresh Concrete- Tests on Fine Aggregates. Cement Concrete Mix Design

Module-4 Module 4 0 hours


Penetration Test-Ductility Test- Softening point Test-Flash and Fire Point TestViscosity test

Module-5 Module 5 0 hours

Bituminous mixes:

Proportioning of materials by Rothfutch’s method and Mix design by Marshall Method, Stripping Test- Bitumen Extraction Test

Module-6 Module 6 0 hours

Preparation of Feasibility Report, DPR.