MTech Introduction To Aerospace Vehicles And Systems syllabus for 1 Sem 2018 scheme 18MAE13

Module-1 Module -1 10 hours

General introduction to aeronautics:

Fixed wing & Rotary wing aircraft: Light aircraft, Fighter aircraft, Passenger aircraft, and Cargo aircraft; Light helicopter, Large passenger and cargo helicopters Exploded views of various types of aircraft, identification of various structural parts and their functions and materials used.


Aircraft Systems:

System design and development processes;


Mechanical systems:

Components and functions of Hydraulics & Landing Gear systems.

Module-2 Module -2 10 hours

Aircraft Electrical Systems:

Generation, distribution and typical aircraft electrical systems and recent trends;


Avionic systems:

Flight control systems; Navigation system, Communication and radar systems their components and functions; Emergency systems and advanced systems.


Satellites & orbital dynamics:

Satellite missions, Different types of satellites and their applications, Spacecraft configurations.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Module-3 Module -3 10 hours

Spacecraft Launch Vehicles:

Rocket propulsion principles and types and propellants; Sounding Rockets, Staging of rockets; major subsystems of launch vehicles and their functions; Different types of satellite launch vehicles, General description about Launch Vehicles of Indian origin

Module-4 Module -1 10 hours

General introduction to aeronautics:

Fixed wing & Rotary wing aircraft: Light aircraft, Fighter aircraft, Passenger aircraft, and Cargo aircraft; Light helicopter, Large passenger and cargo helicopters Exploded views of various types of aircraft, identification of various structural parts and their functions and materials used.


Aircraft Systems:

System design and development processes;


Mechanical systems:

Components and functions of Hydraulics & Landing Gear systems.

Module-4 Module -4 10 hours

Standards & Specifications and Testing & Certification Aspects:

Introduction to aircraft international and standards specifications for Military and Civil aircraft, Company standards; Airworthiness certification aspects aircraft; Ground testing and qualification testing.


Flight testing:

Purpose and scope, Test plans and procedures; flight test instrumentation; general flying and handling characteristics of aircraft; Preparation, and conduct of tests, fault reporting.

Module-5 Module -5 10 hours

Introduction to aerospace industries and institutions and their roles:

Aircraft design and production industries; Components and systems manufactures, Service industries, Research and Development organizations and Academic institutions.


Introduction to Airport Engineering:

Development of air transportation, ICAO, IAAI,AAI, Aircraft characteristics which affect airport planning; Airport planning: Airport Master Plan, Regional Plan, Site selection; Terminal area and airport layout, Visual aids and ATC.