MTech Automation And Computer Integrated Manufacturing syllabus for 1 Sem 2018 scheme 18MCM12

Module-1 Production Development Through CIM 10 hours

Production Development Through CIM:

Computers in Industrial manufacturing,Product cycle & Production development cycle, Introduction of CAD/CAM & CIM, sequential and concurrent engineering, soft and hard prototyping

Module-2 Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation 10 hours

Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation:

Fundamentals of CAD/CAM,Computerized Manufacturing planning systems, shop floor control & automatic identification techniques. Computer Network for manufacturing and the future automated factor.


Detroit Type of Automation:

Flow lines, DifferentTransfer Mechanisms, workpattern transfer, Different methods.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Module-3 Analysis of Automated flow lines 10 hours

Analysis of Automated flow lines:

Analysis of transfer lines without storage, with storagebuffer, single stage, Double stage, Multistage with problems, Automated assembly systems, Design for automated assembly, parts feeding devices..


Computer Process Monitoring:

Process control methods, direct digital control, supervisorycomputer control, steady state optimal control, on line search strategies, adaptive control.

Module-4 Automated Material Handling and Storage 10 hours

Automated Material Handling and Storage:

Material functions, types of material handlingequipment, analysis of material handling systems, design of system, conveyor system, automated guided vehicle systems, automated storage/retrieval systems, caroused storage systems work in process storage, interfacing handling & storage with manufacturing.

Module-5 Robotics in Material Handling 10 hours

Robotics in Material Handling: 

General considerations in robot material handling – material transfer application – pick &place operations – machine loading & unloading – characte ristics of robot application.


Computer Aided Quality Control:

The computer in Q.C, automated inspection principlesand methods, Contact inspection methods, non-contact inspection methods, machine vision system, optical inspection method, sensors, coordinate measuring machine.