MTech Quantitative Techniques In Decision Making syllabus for 1 Sem 2018 scheme 18MPT13

Module-1 MODULE 1 10 hours


Statistics and managerial decisions, statistical data and Operations Research techniques.


Fundamentals of Statistics and Probability:

Presentation and Analysis of Statistical Data, Measures of central tendency and location, Measure of dispersion, Skewness and Kurtosis: Numerical Problems, Introduction to Probability and basic rules of probability.

Module-2 MODULE 2 10 hours

Decision Making under Uncertainty:

Alternative criteria for decision under uncertainty, Bayesian approach and Incremental analysis.


Linear Programming Problem:

Formulation of LPPs, Solution of LPPs by graphical method.


Solution of LPP by simplex method:

Concept of duality and solution of dual problems, Solution of LPP by dual simplex method and Sensitivity analysis.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Module-3 MODULE 3 10 hours

Transportation and Assignment Problems:

Structure of transportation problem and various methods to find IBFS, Optimality test of transportation problems by MODI method, Solution of degeneracy and unbalanced transportation problems, Assignment problems and solution by Hungarian method and Traveling Salesman problem.

Module-4 MODULE 4 10 hours

Theory of Games:

Two person zero sum game, Minimax & Maximin strategies, Solution of game by dominance rules, arithmetic and algebraic methods, Solution of game by graphical method and method of matrices, Solution of game by Linear programming approach and approximate method to solve game problems.


Waiting Line:

Basic structure of queuing systems and characteristics, Expressions for M/M/l queuing model.

Module-5 MODULE 5 10 hours

Network Analysis:

PERT and CPM, Network construction and determination of critical path, Calculation of ES, EF, LS, LF, TF, FF and IF, Crashing of a project, Scheduling of a project and resource levelling.


Simulation of Management Systems:

Simulation and Monte Carlo method, Waiting line and inventory simulation models