Understanding Operations:
Introduction to operations management, manufacturing trends in India, Service as a part of operations management, operations as a key functional area, operations management: a systems perspective, operations management functions, challenges in operations management.
Operational strategy:
relevance of operations strategy, strategy formulation process, measure for operational excellence, options for strategic decisions in operations, break even analysis, cost versus flexibility trade off in operations strategy, related problems.
Process and capacity analysis:
process flow charting, planning premises and process implications, analyzing processes, business process Re Engineering, defining capacity, measure of capacity, time horizon in capacity planning, capacity planning framework, alternatives for capacity augmentation, decision tree for capacity planning, related problems.
Design of manufacturing process:
Determinant of process characteristics in operations, types of process and operations systems, process product matrix, layout planning, types of layouts, performance measure for layout design, design of process layouts, design of product layouts, approaches to layout design, technology issues in process design, complexity in operations management, related problems.
Inventory planning and control:
inventory planning for independent demand items, types of inventory, cost of inventory, inventory control for deterministic demand items, handling uncertainty in demand, inventory control systems, selective control of inventory, inventory planning for single period demand, related problems.
Demand forecasting:
forecasting time horizon, design of forecasting system, developing forecasting logic, sources of data, and models for forecasting, extrapolative methods using time series, causal methods of forecasting, accuracy of forecasts, using forecasting system, related problems.
Aggregate production planning:
planning hierarchies in operations, aggregate production planning, need, frame work for aggregate planning, alternatives for managing supply, basic strategies for aggregate production planning, aggregate production planning methods, OR tools for production planning, Master production scheduling, related problems.
Resource planning:
Dependent demand attributes, planning a framework, MRP Logic, MRP system, CRP, DRP, MRP II, ERP, Resources planning in services, related problems.
Scheduling of operations:
need for scheduling, loading of machines, scheduling context, scheduling flow shops, scheduling of job shops, input output control, operational control issues in mass production systems, operations planning and control based on the theory of constrains, related problems.