MTech Theory Of Metal Cutting syllabus for 1 Sem 2018 scheme 18MPY12

Module-1 MODULE 1 10 hours

Mechanics of Metal Cutting:

Mechanism of chip formation, Orthogonal & Oblique cutting, types of chips, built-up edge, Determination of shear plane angle, forces on the chips, forces in orthogonal cutting, Merchant circle diagram and analysis, Theory of Lee & Shaffer, coefficient of friction, power & energy relationship, velocity relationship, shear-strain, factors affecting forces and power, problems.


Geometry of Cutting Tools:

Single point and multi point cutting tools, tools nomenclature, tool point reference systems, tool angle specifications –ISO and ASA systems, conversion from one system to another. Recommended tool angles, Effect of cutting parameters on tool geometry.

Module-2 MODULE 2 10 hours

Tool Materials and Their Properties:

Characteristics of tool materials, types of tool materials – carbon tool steels, high speed steels, cast alloys, cemented carbides, ceramics, diamonds, SIALON, CBN, UCON, recommended cutting speeds for the above tools, discussion on steels, air, water, oil hardening of tools and their applications.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Module-3 MODULE 3 10 hours

Measurement of Cutting Forces:

Reasons for measuring cutting forces, Classification of cutting force dynamometers – mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, optical, inductance, piezoelectric, and strain gage type dynamometers, Dynamometers for lathe, drilling, and milling, Calibration of dynamometers.

Module-4 MODULE 4 10 hours

Tool Wear, Tool Life:

Mechanisms of tool wear, Sudden & gradual wear, crater wear, flank wear, tool failure criteria, tool life equations, effect of process parameters on tool life, tool life tests, conventional & accelerated tool wear measurement, machinability index


Thermal Aspects in Metal Cutting:

Heat sources in metal cutting, temperature in chip formation, temperature distribution, experimental determination of tool temperatures.

Module-5 MODULE 5 10 hours

Cutting fluids:

Basic actions of cutting fluids, properties of cutting fluids, selection of cutting fluids, application of cutting fluids, filtration of fluids, recommended cutting fluids.


Economics of Machining:

Introduction, elements of total production cost, optimum cutting speed and tool life for minimum cost, optimum cutting speed and tool life for maximum production, problems.