MTech Nanobiotechnology syllabus for 1 Sem 2018 scheme 18INT153

Module-1 Fundamentals of Biotechnology 10 hours

Fundamentals of Biotechnology

Basic terms in biotechnology, recombinant DNA technology, genetic engineering, gene cloning. Development of nanobiotechnology, timelines and progress. Basics of cell orgenells. Biomacromolecules- carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids, PHA, cyanophcin inclusion, magnetosome, alginates, bacteriophages, S-layer protein, bacteriorhodpsin. Biological building blocks; Sizes of building blocks and comparison with nanostructures.

Module-2 Nanostructures: 10 hours


DNA and protein based nanostructures, DNA origami, DNA nanotubes, polypeptide nanowire and protein nanoparticles, SAM, biological nanomotor. Nanoconjugates: DNA-gold nanoconjugates. DNA based nanoelectronics: immobilization of DNA on substrates, probing the electronic properties of single DNA molecules. Manipulation of DNA on metal surfaces.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Module-3 Interaction between biomolecules and nanoparticle surface 10 hours

Interaction between biomolecules and nanoparticle surface

Different types of inorganic materials used for the synthesis of hybrid nano-bio assemblies, Application of nano in biology, nanoprobes for Analytical Applications - A new methodology in medical diagnostics and Biotechnology, Current status of Nanobiotechnology, Future perspectives of Nanobiology.

Module-4 Applications of nanomaterials 10 hours

Applications of nanomaterials

Drug delivery and gene delivery, Nanobiochips, biosensors. Nanomaterials in bone substitutes and dentistry. Polymeric nanofibres-tissue engineering, smart capsules, microemulsions, nano based cancer therapy, nanorobotics. Lotus leaf as a model self-cleansing system. Diatoms as example for silicon biomineralization. Biomechanical strength properties of Spider silk.

Module-5 Photoinduced Electron Transport in DNA 10 hours

Photoinduced Electron Transport in DNA

Electronic Devices Based on DNA Architecture, DNA Nanowires, Charge Transport, DNA-Based Nanoelectronics, Electrical Manipulation of DNA on Metal Surfaces, Nanostructured Bio-compartments, DNA-Gold nanoconjugates.