MTech Pragmatic Of Information Security syllabus for 1 Sem 2018 scheme 18SFC13

Module-1 Module 1 10 hours


Computer Security Concepts, Requirements, Architecture, Trends, Strategy Perimeter Security: Firewalls, Intrusion Detection, Intrusion Prevention systems, Honeypots Case Study: Readings, Intrusion and intrusion detection by John McHugh.

Module-2 Module 2 10 hours

User Authentication:

Password, Password-based, token based, Biometric, Remote User authentication. Access Control: Principles, Access Rights, Discretionary Access Control, Unix File Access Control, Role Based Access Control Internet Authentication Applications: Kerberos, X.509, PKI, Federated Identity Management.

A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Module-3 Module 3 10 hours

Cryptographic Tools:

Confidentiality with symmetric encryption, Message Authentication & Hash Functions, Digital Signatures, Random Numbers. Symmetric Encryption and Message Confidentiality: DES, AES, Stream Ciphers, Cipher Block Modes of Operation, Key Distribution.

Module-4 Module 4 10 hours

Internet Security Protocols:

SSL, TLS, IPSEC, S/ MIME. Public Key Cryptography and Message Authentication: Secure Hash Functions, HMAC, RSA, Diffie Hellman Algorithms Case Study: Readings, Programming Satan's Computer Ross Anderson and Roger Needham.

Module-5 Module 5 10 hours

Malicious Software:

Types of Malware, Viruses & Counter Measures, Worms, Bots, Rootkits Software Security: Buffer Overflows, Stack overflows, Defense, Other overflow attacks Case Study.