Introduction:Scope and importance of hydrology, Hydrologic cycle, Global and India’s Water resources, Applications of hydrology, Formation of precipitation, Climate and Weather seasons in India. Watershed concept and modeling: Catchment-topographic and ground water divide, Description of the catchment, catchment processes, demarking a catchment, stream patterns, water budgeting. Classification of models, model formulation, Lumped parameter conceptual models, Physically based models, Model performance testing.
Location of rain-gauges and optimum number of rain-gauges, Analysis of rainfall data, Rainfall mass curve and hyetograph, Intensity-Duration analysis, Intensity-Frequency-Duration analysis, Depth-Area-Duration analysis, Double mass curve. Abstractions from precipitation: Evaporation-Process, measurement, empirical equations and Estimation by water budget method and Energy budget method.
Evapo-transpiration-AET & PET, Estimation by Penman’s equation, Reference Crop Evapo-transpiration by Blaney Criddle formula, Infiltration-Process, Factor affecting infiltration, Measurement, Horton’s equation and Philip’s equation. Infiltration indices, Probability and Statistics-Introduction, Probability and Random variables, PDF and CDF, Distribution functions, Selection of distribution function and its parameter estimation. Correlation, Regression analysis-Simple linear and multiple linear regression, curvilinear regression. Runoff:-Process, Factors affecting runoff, API, Basin yield, Curve number method.
Hydrograph and its features, Methods of hydrograph separation, Unit hydrograph and its derivation, Unit hydrographs from complex storms and for various durations, S-curve hydrograph and its uses, Synthetic unit hydrograph.
Flood: Design flood and its estimation- Rational method, Frequency analysis Gumbel’s and Log-Pearson’s type III distribution, Selection of design return period. Flood routing- Reservoir routing: Modified Pul’s method, Goodrich method, Channel routing- Prism and Wedge storage, Muskingum method. Flood control: Structural and Non-structural measures.