CBCS Scheme
Subject Code | Subjects | Sem | Scheme | Branch |
16CSE11 | Computational Structural Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS12 | Computational Structural Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS152 | Composite and Smart Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM154 | Composite and Smart Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS153 | Action and Response of Structural Systems | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE11 | Advanced Computational Methods and Optimization | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM11 | Advanced Computational Methods and Optimization | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE12 | Applied Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM12 | Applied Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE151 | Water Resources Engineering and Applied Hydraulics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI151 | Geospatial Database Management Systems | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT11 | Mechanization In Construction | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT12 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM22 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM23 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM23 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT12 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT152 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT154 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM153 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT11 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM11 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE252 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT12 | Highway and Pavement Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE12 | Highway and Pavement Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE12 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT151 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM152 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE151 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS24 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE153 | Design of Precast and Composite Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS421 | Design of Precast and Composite Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM11 | Optimization Techniques | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM12 | Surface Water Hydrology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM11 | Spatial Planning and Regional Analysis | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM152 | Spatial Planning and Regional Analysis | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE14 | Structural Dynamics | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS13 | Structural Dynamics | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE13 | Advanced Water Treatment Technology | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM252 | Advanced Water Treatment Technology | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE14 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM21 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM22 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE153 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM21 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT423 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM41 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI153 | Advanced Geographic Information Systems | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT13 | Advanced Techniques In Concrete Construction | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT154 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM422 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT424 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT13 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE131 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT153 | Planning And Design of Low Volume Roads | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM421 | Planning And Design of Low Volume Roads | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT154 | Urban Public Transport | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM151 | Urban Public Transport | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE13 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS14 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT153 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE154 | Reliability Analysis of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS251 | Reliability Analysis of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE151 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM11 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT423 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS423 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE14 | Urban Transport Planning | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM13 | Urban Transport Planning | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM13 | Construction Equipments and Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM12 | Construction Equipments and Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM14 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM422 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT41 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE252 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS252 | AI And Expert Systems In Structural Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE21 | Atmospheric Environmental Pollution and Control | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM41 | Atmospheric Environmental Pollution and Control | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI21 | Satellite Data Image Processing | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI22 | Applications of Geoinformatics In natural Resources and Environmental Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI253 | Applications of Geoinformatics In natural Resources and Environmental Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT22 | Construction Economics and Finance | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT21 | Soil Dynamics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS424 | Soil Dynamics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT252 | Soil Structure Interaction | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT21 | Pavement Evaluation and Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE422 | Pavement Evaluation and Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT22 | Traffic Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM21 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE152 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM21 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE153 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM22 | Construction Costing and Material Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT254 | Construction Costing and Material Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE21 | Advanced Design of Steel Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT251 | Advanced Design of Steel Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE22 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS22 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT253 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE251 | Design of Tall Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE22 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM21 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT252 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE251 | Road Safety Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM251 | Road Safety Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM151 | Advance Foundation Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS254 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT252 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM423 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE23 | Advanced Waste Water Treatment Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM13 | Advanced Waste Water Treatment Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI252 | Applications of Geoinformatics In Urban Planning And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT23 | Design of Deep Foundations | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT253 | Offshore Geotechnical Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT23 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE24 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM24 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM254 | Building Services & Maintenance | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE23 | Finite Element Method of Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT11 | Finite Element Method of Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE253 | Stability Analysis of Structures | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS23 | Stability Analysis of Structures | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE254 | Theory of Plates And Shells | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS21 | Theory of Plates And Shells | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM23 | Advanced Irrigation Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE154 | Intelligent Transportation Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM23 | Disaster Mitigation and Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT421 | Disaster Mitigation and Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM253 | Reuse & Recycle Technology | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM254 | Urban Hydrology, Storm Drainage And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM251 | Urban Hydrology, Storm Drainage And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE24 | Environmental Geo-Technology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE422 | Toxicology & Environmental Risk Assessment | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI24 | Web Applications In Geoinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI421 | Applications of Geoinformatics In Disaster Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI422 | Emerging Trends In Geoinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT24 | Construction Contracts and Specifications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT24 | Earth and Earth Retaining Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS154 | Earth and Earth Retaining Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT422 | Reinforced Soil Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT24 | Road Construction Planning and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM24 | Pre-Engineered Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT23 | Pre-Engineered Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE24 | Design Concepts of Substructures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT21 | Design Concepts of Substructures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE421 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT421 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE254 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS11 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE422 | Design of Industrial Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM421 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM253 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE22 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM41 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM151 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM422 | Steel and Composite Construction Technology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM24 | Ground Water Hydrology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM422 | Ground Water Hydrology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE41 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM24 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM423 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM252 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE424 | Environmental Legal Aspects and Policy Guidelines | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT422 | Construction Demolition and Waste Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM423 | Construction Demolition and Waste Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT41 | Forensic Geotechnical Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT423 | Rock Mechanics | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT41 | Special Problems In Road Construction | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT424 | Airport Planning and Design | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE41 | Design of Concrete Bridges | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE423 | Theory of Plasticity And Fracture Mechanics | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE424 | Design of Masonry Structures | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM41 | Transportation Infrastructure Design | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM424 | Intelligent Transportation Systems | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM424 | Global Warming and Climate Change | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE423 | Applications of Soft Computing Techniques | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
CBCS Scheme
Subject Code | Subjects | Sem | Scheme | Branch |
16CSE11 | Computational Structural Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS12 | Computational Structural Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS152 | Composite and Smart Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM154 | Composite and Smart Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS153 | Action and Response of Structural Systems | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE11 | Advanced Computational Methods and Optimization | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM11 | Advanced Computational Methods and Optimization | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE12 | Applied Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM12 | Applied Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE151 | Water Resources Engineering and Applied Hydraulics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI151 | Geospatial Database Management Systems | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT11 | Mechanization In Construction | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT12 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM22 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM23 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM23 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT12 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT152 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT154 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM153 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT11 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM11 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE252 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT12 | Highway and Pavement Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE12 | Highway and Pavement Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE12 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT151 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM152 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE151 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS24 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE153 | Design of Precast and Composite Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS421 | Design of Precast and Composite Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM11 | Optimization Techniques | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM12 | Surface Water Hydrology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM11 | Spatial Planning and Regional Analysis | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM152 | Spatial Planning and Regional Analysis | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE14 | Structural Dynamics | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS13 | Structural Dynamics | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE13 | Advanced Water Treatment Technology | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM252 | Advanced Water Treatment Technology | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE14 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM21 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM22 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE153 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM21 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT423 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM41 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI153 | Advanced Geographic Information Systems | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT13 | Advanced Techniques In Concrete Construction | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT154 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM422 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT424 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT13 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE131 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT153 | Planning And Design of Low Volume Roads | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM421 | Planning And Design of Low Volume Roads | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT154 | Urban Public Transport | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM151 | Urban Public Transport | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE13 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS14 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT153 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE154 | Reliability Analysis of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS251 | Reliability Analysis of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE151 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM11 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT423 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS423 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE14 | Urban Transport Planning | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM13 | Urban Transport Planning | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM13 | Construction Equipments and Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM12 | Construction Equipments and Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM14 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM422 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT41 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE252 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS252 | AI And Expert Systems In Structural Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE21 | Atmospheric Environmental Pollution and Control | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM41 | Atmospheric Environmental Pollution and Control | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI21 | Satellite Data Image Processing | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI22 | Applications of Geoinformatics In natural Resources and Environmental Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI253 | Applications of Geoinformatics In natural Resources and Environmental Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT22 | Construction Economics and Finance | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT21 | Soil Dynamics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS424 | Soil Dynamics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT252 | Soil Structure Interaction | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT21 | Pavement Evaluation and Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE422 | Pavement Evaluation and Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT22 | Traffic Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM21 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE152 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM21 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE153 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM22 | Construction Costing and Material Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT254 | Construction Costing and Material Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE21 | Advanced Design of Steel Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT251 | Advanced Design of Steel Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE22 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS22 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT253 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE251 | Design of Tall Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE22 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM21 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT252 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE251 | Road Safety Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM251 | Road Safety Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM151 | Advance Foundation Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS254 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT252 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM423 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE23 | Advanced Waste Water Treatment Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM13 | Advanced Waste Water Treatment Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI252 | Applications of Geoinformatics In Urban Planning And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT23 | Design of Deep Foundations | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT253 | Offshore Geotechnical Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT23 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE24 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM24 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM254 | Building Services & Maintenance | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE23 | Finite Element Method of Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT11 | Finite Element Method of Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE253 | Stability Analysis of Structures | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS23 | Stability Analysis of Structures | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE254 | Theory of Plates And Shells | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS21 | Theory of Plates And Shells | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM23 | Advanced Irrigation Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE154 | Intelligent Transportation Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM23 | Disaster Mitigation and Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT421 | Disaster Mitigation and Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM253 | Reuse & Recycle Technology | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM254 | Urban Hydrology, Storm Drainage And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM251 | Urban Hydrology, Storm Drainage And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE24 | Environmental Geo-Technology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE422 | Toxicology & Environmental Risk Assessment | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI24 | Web Applications In Geoinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI421 | Applications of Geoinformatics In Disaster Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI422 | Emerging Trends In Geoinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT24 | Construction Contracts and Specifications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT24 | Earth and Earth Retaining Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS154 | Earth and Earth Retaining Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT422 | Reinforced Soil Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT24 | Road Construction Planning and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM24 | Pre-Engineered Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT23 | Pre-Engineered Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE24 | Design Concepts of Substructures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT21 | Design Concepts of Substructures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE421 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT421 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE254 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS11 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE422 | Design of Industrial Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM421 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM253 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE22 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM41 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM151 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM422 | Steel and Composite Construction Technology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM24 | Ground Water Hydrology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM422 | Ground Water Hydrology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE41 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM24 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM423 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM252 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE424 | Environmental Legal Aspects and Policy Guidelines | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT422 | Construction Demolition and Waste Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM423 | Construction Demolition and Waste Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT41 | Forensic Geotechnical Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT423 | Rock Mechanics | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT41 | Special Problems In Road Construction | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT424 | Airport Planning and Design | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE41 | Design of Concrete Bridges | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE423 | Theory of Plasticity And Fracture Mechanics | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE424 | Design of Masonry Structures | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM41 | Transportation Infrastructure Design | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM424 | Intelligent Transportation Systems | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM424 | Global Warming and Climate Change | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE423 | Applications of Soft Computing Techniques | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
CBCS Scheme
Subject Code | Subjects | Sem | Scheme | Branch |
16CSE11 | Computational Structural Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS12 | Computational Structural Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS152 | Composite and Smart Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM154 | Composite and Smart Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS153 | Action and Response of Structural Systems | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE11 | Advanced Computational Methods and Optimization | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM11 | Advanced Computational Methods and Optimization | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE12 | Applied Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM12 | Applied Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE151 | Water Resources Engineering and Applied Hydraulics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI151 | Geospatial Database Management Systems | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT11 | Mechanization In Construction | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT12 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM22 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM23 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM23 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT12 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT152 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT154 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM153 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT11 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM11 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE252 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT12 | Highway and Pavement Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE12 | Highway and Pavement Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE12 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT151 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM152 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE151 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS24 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE153 | Design of Precast and Composite Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS421 | Design of Precast and Composite Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM11 | Optimization Techniques | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM12 | Surface Water Hydrology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM11 | Spatial Planning and Regional Analysis | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM152 | Spatial Planning and Regional Analysis | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE14 | Structural Dynamics | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS13 | Structural Dynamics | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE13 | Advanced Water Treatment Technology | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM252 | Advanced Water Treatment Technology | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE14 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM21 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM22 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE153 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM21 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT423 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM41 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI153 | Advanced Geographic Information Systems | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT13 | Advanced Techniques In Concrete Construction | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT154 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM422 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT424 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT13 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE131 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT153 | Planning And Design of Low Volume Roads | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM421 | Planning And Design of Low Volume Roads | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT154 | Urban Public Transport | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM151 | Urban Public Transport | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE13 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS14 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT153 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE154 | Reliability Analysis of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS251 | Reliability Analysis of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE151 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM11 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT423 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS423 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE14 | Urban Transport Planning | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM13 | Urban Transport Planning | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM13 | Construction Equipments and Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM12 | Construction Equipments and Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM14 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM422 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT41 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE252 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS252 | AI And Expert Systems In Structural Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE21 | Atmospheric Environmental Pollution and Control | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM41 | Atmospheric Environmental Pollution and Control | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI21 | Satellite Data Image Processing | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI22 | Applications of Geoinformatics In natural Resources and Environmental Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI253 | Applications of Geoinformatics In natural Resources and Environmental Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT22 | Construction Economics and Finance | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT21 | Soil Dynamics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS424 | Soil Dynamics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT252 | Soil Structure Interaction | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT21 | Pavement Evaluation and Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE422 | Pavement Evaluation and Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT22 | Traffic Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM21 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE152 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM21 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE153 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM22 | Construction Costing and Material Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT254 | Construction Costing and Material Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE21 | Advanced Design of Steel Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT251 | Advanced Design of Steel Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE22 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS22 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT253 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE251 | Design of Tall Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE22 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM21 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT252 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE251 | Road Safety Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM251 | Road Safety Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM151 | Advance Foundation Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS254 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT252 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM423 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE23 | Advanced Waste Water Treatment Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM13 | Advanced Waste Water Treatment Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI252 | Applications of Geoinformatics In Urban Planning And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT23 | Design of Deep Foundations | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT253 | Offshore Geotechnical Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT23 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE24 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM24 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM254 | Building Services & Maintenance | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE23 | Finite Element Method of Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT11 | Finite Element Method of Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE253 | Stability Analysis of Structures | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS23 | Stability Analysis of Structures | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE254 | Theory of Plates And Shells | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS21 | Theory of Plates And Shells | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM23 | Advanced Irrigation Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE154 | Intelligent Transportation Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM23 | Disaster Mitigation and Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT421 | Disaster Mitigation and Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM253 | Reuse & Recycle Technology | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM254 | Urban Hydrology, Storm Drainage And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM251 | Urban Hydrology, Storm Drainage And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE24 | Environmental Geo-Technology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE422 | Toxicology & Environmental Risk Assessment | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI24 | Web Applications In Geoinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI421 | Applications of Geoinformatics In Disaster Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI422 | Emerging Trends In Geoinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT24 | Construction Contracts and Specifications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT24 | Earth and Earth Retaining Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS154 | Earth and Earth Retaining Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT422 | Reinforced Soil Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT24 | Road Construction Planning and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM24 | Pre-Engineered Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT23 | Pre-Engineered Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE24 | Design Concepts of Substructures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT21 | Design Concepts of Substructures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE421 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT421 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE254 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS11 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE422 | Design of Industrial Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM421 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM253 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE22 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM41 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM151 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM422 | Steel and Composite Construction Technology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM24 | Ground Water Hydrology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM422 | Ground Water Hydrology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE41 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM24 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM423 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM252 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE424 | Environmental Legal Aspects and Policy Guidelines | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT422 | Construction Demolition and Waste Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM423 | Construction Demolition and Waste Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT41 | Forensic Geotechnical Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT423 | Rock Mechanics | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT41 | Special Problems In Road Construction | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT424 | Airport Planning and Design | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE41 | Design of Concrete Bridges | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE423 | Theory of Plasticity And Fracture Mechanics | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE424 | Design of Masonry Structures | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM41 | Transportation Infrastructure Design | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM424 | Intelligent Transportation Systems | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM424 | Global Warming and Climate Change | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE423 | Applications of Soft Computing Techniques | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
CBCS Scheme
Subject Code | Subjects | Sem | Scheme | Branch |
16CSE11 | Computational Structural Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS12 | Computational Structural Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS152 | Composite and Smart Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM154 | Composite and Smart Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS153 | Action and Response of Structural Systems | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE11 | Advanced Computational Methods and Optimization | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM11 | Advanced Computational Methods and Optimization | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE12 | Applied Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM12 | Applied Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE151 | Water Resources Engineering and Applied Hydraulics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI151 | Geospatial Database Management Systems | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT11 | Mechanization In Construction | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT12 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM22 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM23 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM23 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT12 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT152 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT154 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM153 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT11 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM11 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE252 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT12 | Highway and Pavement Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE12 | Highway and Pavement Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE12 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT151 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM152 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE151 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS24 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE153 | Design of Precast and Composite Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS421 | Design of Precast and Composite Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM11 | Optimization Techniques | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM12 | Surface Water Hydrology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM11 | Spatial Planning and Regional Analysis | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM152 | Spatial Planning and Regional Analysis | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE14 | Structural Dynamics | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS13 | Structural Dynamics | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE13 | Advanced Water Treatment Technology | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM252 | Advanced Water Treatment Technology | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE14 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM21 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM22 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE153 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM21 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT423 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM41 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI153 | Advanced Geographic Information Systems | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT13 | Advanced Techniques In Concrete Construction | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT154 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM422 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT424 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT13 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE131 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT153 | Planning And Design of Low Volume Roads | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM421 | Planning And Design of Low Volume Roads | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT154 | Urban Public Transport | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM151 | Urban Public Transport | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE13 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS14 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT153 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE154 | Reliability Analysis of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS251 | Reliability Analysis of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE151 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM11 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT423 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS423 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE14 | Urban Transport Planning | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM13 | Urban Transport Planning | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM13 | Construction Equipments and Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM12 | Construction Equipments and Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM14 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM422 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT41 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE252 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS252 | AI And Expert Systems In Structural Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE21 | Atmospheric Environmental Pollution and Control | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM41 | Atmospheric Environmental Pollution and Control | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI21 | Satellite Data Image Processing | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI22 | Applications of Geoinformatics In natural Resources and Environmental Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI253 | Applications of Geoinformatics In natural Resources and Environmental Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT22 | Construction Economics and Finance | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT21 | Soil Dynamics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS424 | Soil Dynamics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT252 | Soil Structure Interaction | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT21 | Pavement Evaluation and Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE422 | Pavement Evaluation and Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT22 | Traffic Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM21 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE152 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM21 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE153 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM22 | Construction Costing and Material Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT254 | Construction Costing and Material Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE21 | Advanced Design of Steel Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT251 | Advanced Design of Steel Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE22 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS22 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT253 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE251 | Design of Tall Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE22 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM21 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT252 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE251 | Road Safety Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM251 | Road Safety Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM151 | Advance Foundation Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS254 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT252 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM423 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE23 | Advanced Waste Water Treatment Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM13 | Advanced Waste Water Treatment Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI252 | Applications of Geoinformatics In Urban Planning And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT23 | Design of Deep Foundations | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT253 | Offshore Geotechnical Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT23 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE24 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM24 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM254 | Building Services & Maintenance | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE23 | Finite Element Method of Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT11 | Finite Element Method of Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE253 | Stability Analysis of Structures | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS23 | Stability Analysis of Structures | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE254 | Theory of Plates And Shells | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS21 | Theory of Plates And Shells | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM23 | Advanced Irrigation Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE154 | Intelligent Transportation Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM23 | Disaster Mitigation and Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT421 | Disaster Mitigation and Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM253 | Reuse & Recycle Technology | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM254 | Urban Hydrology, Storm Drainage And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM251 | Urban Hydrology, Storm Drainage And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE24 | Environmental Geo-Technology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE422 | Toxicology & Environmental Risk Assessment | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI24 | Web Applications In Geoinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI421 | Applications of Geoinformatics In Disaster Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI422 | Emerging Trends In Geoinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT24 | Construction Contracts and Specifications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT24 | Earth and Earth Retaining Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS154 | Earth and Earth Retaining Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT422 | Reinforced Soil Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT24 | Road Construction Planning and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM24 | Pre-Engineered Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT23 | Pre-Engineered Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE24 | Design Concepts of Substructures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT21 | Design Concepts of Substructures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE421 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT421 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE254 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS11 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE422 | Design of Industrial Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM421 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM253 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE22 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM41 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM151 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM422 | Steel and Composite Construction Technology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM24 | Ground Water Hydrology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM422 | Ground Water Hydrology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE41 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM24 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM423 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM252 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE424 | Environmental Legal Aspects and Policy Guidelines | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT422 | Construction Demolition and Waste Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM423 | Construction Demolition and Waste Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT41 | Forensic Geotechnical Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT423 | Rock Mechanics | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT41 | Special Problems In Road Construction | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT424 | Airport Planning and Design | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE41 | Design of Concrete Bridges | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE423 | Theory of Plasticity And Fracture Mechanics | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE424 | Design of Masonry Structures | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM41 | Transportation Infrastructure Design | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM424 | Intelligent Transportation Systems | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM424 | Global Warming and Climate Change | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE423 | Applications of Soft Computing Techniques | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
CBCS Scheme
Subject Code | Subjects | Sem | Scheme | Branch |
16CSE11 | Computational Structural Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS12 | Computational Structural Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS152 | Composite and Smart Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM154 | Composite and Smart Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS153 | Action and Response of Structural Systems | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE11 | Advanced Computational Methods and Optimization | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM11 | Advanced Computational Methods and Optimization | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE12 | Applied Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM12 | Applied Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE151 | Water Resources Engineering and Applied Hydraulics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI151 | Geospatial Database Management Systems | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT11 | Mechanization In Construction | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT12 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM22 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM23 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM23 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT12 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT152 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT154 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM153 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT11 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM11 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE252 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT12 | Highway and Pavement Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE12 | Highway and Pavement Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE12 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT151 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM152 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE151 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS24 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE153 | Design of Precast and Composite Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS421 | Design of Precast and Composite Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM11 | Optimization Techniques | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM12 | Surface Water Hydrology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM11 | Spatial Planning and Regional Analysis | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM152 | Spatial Planning and Regional Analysis | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE14 | Structural Dynamics | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS13 | Structural Dynamics | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE13 | Advanced Water Treatment Technology | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM252 | Advanced Water Treatment Technology | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE14 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM21 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM22 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE153 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM21 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT423 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM41 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI153 | Advanced Geographic Information Systems | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT13 | Advanced Techniques In Concrete Construction | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT154 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM422 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT424 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT13 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE131 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT153 | Planning And Design of Low Volume Roads | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM421 | Planning And Design of Low Volume Roads | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT154 | Urban Public Transport | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM151 | Urban Public Transport | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE13 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS14 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT153 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE154 | Reliability Analysis of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS251 | Reliability Analysis of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE151 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM11 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT423 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS423 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE14 | Urban Transport Planning | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM13 | Urban Transport Planning | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM13 | Construction Equipments and Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM12 | Construction Equipments and Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM14 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM422 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT41 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE252 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS252 | AI And Expert Systems In Structural Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE21 | Atmospheric Environmental Pollution and Control | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM41 | Atmospheric Environmental Pollution and Control | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI21 | Satellite Data Image Processing | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI22 | Applications of Geoinformatics In natural Resources and Environmental Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI253 | Applications of Geoinformatics In natural Resources and Environmental Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT22 | Construction Economics and Finance | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT21 | Soil Dynamics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS424 | Soil Dynamics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT252 | Soil Structure Interaction | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT21 | Pavement Evaluation and Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE422 | Pavement Evaluation and Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT22 | Traffic Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM21 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE152 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM21 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE153 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM22 | Construction Costing and Material Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT254 | Construction Costing and Material Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE21 | Advanced Design of Steel Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT251 | Advanced Design of Steel Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE22 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS22 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT253 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE251 | Design of Tall Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE22 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM21 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT252 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE251 | Road Safety Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM251 | Road Safety Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM151 | Advance Foundation Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS254 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT252 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM423 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE23 | Advanced Waste Water Treatment Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM13 | Advanced Waste Water Treatment Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI252 | Applications of Geoinformatics In Urban Planning And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT23 | Design of Deep Foundations | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT253 | Offshore Geotechnical Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT23 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE24 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM24 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM254 | Building Services & Maintenance | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE23 | Finite Element Method of Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT11 | Finite Element Method of Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE253 | Stability Analysis of Structures | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS23 | Stability Analysis of Structures | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE254 | Theory of Plates And Shells | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS21 | Theory of Plates And Shells | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM23 | Advanced Irrigation Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE154 | Intelligent Transportation Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM23 | Disaster Mitigation and Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT421 | Disaster Mitigation and Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM253 | Reuse & Recycle Technology | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM254 | Urban Hydrology, Storm Drainage And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM251 | Urban Hydrology, Storm Drainage And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE24 | Environmental Geo-Technology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE422 | Toxicology & Environmental Risk Assessment | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI24 | Web Applications In Geoinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI421 | Applications of Geoinformatics In Disaster Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI422 | Emerging Trends In Geoinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT24 | Construction Contracts and Specifications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT24 | Earth and Earth Retaining Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS154 | Earth and Earth Retaining Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT422 | Reinforced Soil Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT24 | Road Construction Planning and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM24 | Pre-Engineered Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT23 | Pre-Engineered Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE24 | Design Concepts of Substructures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT21 | Design Concepts of Substructures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE421 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT421 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE254 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS11 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE422 | Design of Industrial Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM421 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM253 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE22 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM41 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM151 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM422 | Steel and Composite Construction Technology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM24 | Ground Water Hydrology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM422 | Ground Water Hydrology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE41 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM24 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM423 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM252 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE424 | Environmental Legal Aspects and Policy Guidelines | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT422 | Construction Demolition and Waste Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM423 | Construction Demolition and Waste Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT41 | Forensic Geotechnical Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT423 | Rock Mechanics | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT41 | Special Problems In Road Construction | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT424 | Airport Planning and Design | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE41 | Design of Concrete Bridges | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE423 | Theory of Plasticity And Fracture Mechanics | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE424 | Design of Masonry Structures | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM41 | Transportation Infrastructure Design | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM424 | Intelligent Transportation Systems | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM424 | Global Warming and Climate Change | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE423 | Applications of Soft Computing Techniques | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
CBCS Scheme
Subject Code | Subjects | Sem | Scheme | Branch |
16CSE11 | Computational Structural Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS12 | Computational Structural Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS152 | Composite and Smart Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM154 | Composite and Smart Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS153 | Action and Response of Structural Systems | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE11 | Advanced Computational Methods and Optimization | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM11 | Advanced Computational Methods and Optimization | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE12 | Applied Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM12 | Applied Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE151 | Water Resources Engineering and Applied Hydraulics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI151 | Geospatial Database Management Systems | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT11 | Mechanization In Construction | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT12 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM22 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM23 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM23 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT12 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT152 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT154 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM153 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT11 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM11 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE252 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT12 | Highway and Pavement Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE12 | Highway and Pavement Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE12 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT151 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM152 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE151 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS24 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE153 | Design of Precast and Composite Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS421 | Design of Precast and Composite Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM11 | Optimization Techniques | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM12 | Surface Water Hydrology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM11 | Spatial Planning and Regional Analysis | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM152 | Spatial Planning and Regional Analysis | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE14 | Structural Dynamics | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS13 | Structural Dynamics | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE13 | Advanced Water Treatment Technology | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM252 | Advanced Water Treatment Technology | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE14 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM21 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM22 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE153 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM21 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT423 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM41 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI153 | Advanced Geographic Information Systems | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT13 | Advanced Techniques In Concrete Construction | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT154 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM422 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT424 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT13 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE131 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT153 | Planning And Design of Low Volume Roads | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM421 | Planning And Design of Low Volume Roads | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT154 | Urban Public Transport | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM151 | Urban Public Transport | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE13 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS14 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT153 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE154 | Reliability Analysis of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS251 | Reliability Analysis of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE151 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM11 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT423 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS423 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE14 | Urban Transport Planning | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM13 | Urban Transport Planning | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM13 | Construction Equipments and Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM12 | Construction Equipments and Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM14 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM422 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT41 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE252 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS252 | AI And Expert Systems In Structural Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE21 | Atmospheric Environmental Pollution and Control | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM41 | Atmospheric Environmental Pollution and Control | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI21 | Satellite Data Image Processing | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI22 | Applications of Geoinformatics In natural Resources and Environmental Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI253 | Applications of Geoinformatics In natural Resources and Environmental Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT22 | Construction Economics and Finance | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT21 | Soil Dynamics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS424 | Soil Dynamics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT252 | Soil Structure Interaction | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT21 | Pavement Evaluation and Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE422 | Pavement Evaluation and Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT22 | Traffic Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM21 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE152 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM21 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE153 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM22 | Construction Costing and Material Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT254 | Construction Costing and Material Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE21 | Advanced Design of Steel Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT251 | Advanced Design of Steel Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE22 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS22 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT253 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE251 | Design of Tall Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE22 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM21 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT252 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE251 | Road Safety Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM251 | Road Safety Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM151 | Advance Foundation Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS254 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT252 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM423 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE23 | Advanced Waste Water Treatment Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM13 | Advanced Waste Water Treatment Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI252 | Applications of Geoinformatics In Urban Planning And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT23 | Design of Deep Foundations | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT253 | Offshore Geotechnical Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT23 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE24 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM24 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM254 | Building Services & Maintenance | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE23 | Finite Element Method of Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT11 | Finite Element Method of Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE253 | Stability Analysis of Structures | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS23 | Stability Analysis of Structures | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE254 | Theory of Plates And Shells | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS21 | Theory of Plates And Shells | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM23 | Advanced Irrigation Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE154 | Intelligent Transportation Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM23 | Disaster Mitigation and Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT421 | Disaster Mitigation and Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM253 | Reuse & Recycle Technology | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM254 | Urban Hydrology, Storm Drainage And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM251 | Urban Hydrology, Storm Drainage And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE24 | Environmental Geo-Technology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE422 | Toxicology & Environmental Risk Assessment | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI24 | Web Applications In Geoinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI421 | Applications of Geoinformatics In Disaster Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI422 | Emerging Trends In Geoinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT24 | Construction Contracts and Specifications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT24 | Earth and Earth Retaining Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS154 | Earth and Earth Retaining Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT422 | Reinforced Soil Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT24 | Road Construction Planning and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM24 | Pre-Engineered Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT23 | Pre-Engineered Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE24 | Design Concepts of Substructures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT21 | Design Concepts of Substructures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE421 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT421 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE254 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS11 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE422 | Design of Industrial Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM421 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM253 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE22 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM41 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM151 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM422 | Steel and Composite Construction Technology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM24 | Ground Water Hydrology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM422 | Ground Water Hydrology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE41 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM24 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM423 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM252 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE424 | Environmental Legal Aspects and Policy Guidelines | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT422 | Construction Demolition and Waste Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM423 | Construction Demolition and Waste Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT41 | Forensic Geotechnical Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT423 | Rock Mechanics | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT41 | Special Problems In Road Construction | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT424 | Airport Planning and Design | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE41 | Design of Concrete Bridges | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE423 | Theory of Plasticity And Fracture Mechanics | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE424 | Design of Masonry Structures | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM41 | Transportation Infrastructure Design | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM424 | Intelligent Transportation Systems | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM424 | Global Warming and Climate Change | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE423 | Applications of Soft Computing Techniques | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
CBCS Scheme
Subject Code | Subjects | Sem | Scheme | Branch |
16CSE11 | Computational Structural Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS12 | Computational Structural Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS152 | Composite and Smart Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM154 | Composite and Smart Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS153 | Action and Response of Structural Systems | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE11 | Advanced Computational Methods and Optimization | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM11 | Advanced Computational Methods and Optimization | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE12 | Applied Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM12 | Applied Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE151 | Water Resources Engineering and Applied Hydraulics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI151 | Geospatial Database Management Systems | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT11 | Mechanization In Construction | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT12 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM22 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM23 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM23 | Construction Project Management | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT12 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT152 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT154 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM153 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT11 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM11 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE252 | Applied Statistics In Transportation Engineering | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT12 | Highway and Pavement Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE12 | Highway and Pavement Materials | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE12 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT151 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM152 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE151 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS24 | Advanced Design of RC Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE153 | Design of Precast and Composite Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS421 | Design of Precast and Composite Structures | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM11 | Optimization Techniques | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM12 | Surface Water Hydrology | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM11 | Spatial Planning and Regional Analysis | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM152 | Spatial Planning and Regional Analysis | 1 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE14 | Structural Dynamics | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS13 | Structural Dynamics | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE13 | Advanced Water Treatment Technology | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM252 | Advanced Water Treatment Technology | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE14 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM21 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM22 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE153 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM21 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT423 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM41 | Occupational Safety and Health | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI153 | Advanced Geographic Information Systems | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT13 | Advanced Techniques In Concrete Construction | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT154 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM422 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT424 | Sustainable Materials and Green Buildings | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT13 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE131 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT253 | Subsurface Investigation and Ground Improvement Techniques | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT153 | Planning And Design of Low Volume Roads | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM421 | Planning And Design of Low Volume Roads | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT154 | Urban Public Transport | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM151 | Urban Public Transport | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE13 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS14 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT153 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE154 | Reliability Analysis of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS251 | Reliability Analysis of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE151 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM11 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT423 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS423 | Advanced Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE14 | Urban Transport Planning | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM13 | Urban Transport Planning | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM13 | Construction Equipments and Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM12 | Construction Equipments and Management | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM14 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM422 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT41 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE252 | Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures | 2 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS252 | AI And Expert Systems In Structural Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE21 | Atmospheric Environmental Pollution and Control | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM41 | Atmospheric Environmental Pollution and Control | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI21 | Satellite Data Image Processing | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI22 | Applications of Geoinformatics In natural Resources and Environmental Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI253 | Applications of Geoinformatics In natural Resources and Environmental Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT22 | Construction Economics and Finance | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT21 | Soil Dynamics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS424 | Soil Dynamics | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT252 | Soil Structure Interaction | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT21 | Pavement Evaluation and Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE422 | Pavement Evaluation and Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT22 | Traffic Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM21 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE152 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM21 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE153 | Advanced Concrete Technology | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM22 | Construction Costing and Material Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT254 | Construction Costing and Material Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE21 | Advanced Design of Steel Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT251 | Advanced Design of Steel Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE22 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS22 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT253 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE251 | Design of Tall Structures | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE22 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM21 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT252 | Pavement Design And Analysis | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE251 | Road Safety Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM251 | Road Safety Management | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM151 | Advance Foundation Engineering | 3 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS254 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT252 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM423 | Design Of Structural Systems for Bridges | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE23 | Advanced Waste Water Treatment Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM13 | Advanced Waste Water Treatment Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI252 | Applications of Geoinformatics In Urban Planning And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT23 | Design of Deep Foundations | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT253 | Offshore Geotechnical Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT23 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE24 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM24 | Highway Planning and Economic Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM254 | Building Services & Maintenance | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE23 | Finite Element Method of Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT11 | Finite Element Method of Analysis | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE253 | Stability Analysis of Structures | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS23 | Stability Analysis of Structures | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE254 | Theory of Plates And Shells | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS21 | Theory of Plates And Shells | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM23 | Advanced Irrigation Engineering | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE154 | Intelligent Transportation Systems | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM23 | Disaster Mitigation and Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT421 | Disaster Mitigation and Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM253 | Reuse & Recycle Technology | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM254 | Urban Hydrology, Storm Drainage And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM251 | Urban Hydrology, Storm Drainage And Management | 4 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE24 | Environmental Geo-Technology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE422 | Toxicology & Environmental Risk Assessment | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI24 | Web Applications In Geoinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI421 | Applications of Geoinformatics In Disaster Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGI422 | Emerging Trends In Geoinformatics | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT24 | Construction Contracts and Specifications | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT24 | Earth and Earth Retaining Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS154 | Earth and Earth Retaining Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT422 | Reinforced Soil Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT24 | Road Construction Planning and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM24 | Pre-Engineered Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT23 | Pre-Engineered Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE24 | Design Concepts of Substructures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT21 | Design Concepts of Substructures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE421 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT421 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE254 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCS11 | Optimization Techniques | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE422 | Design of Industrial Structures | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM421 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM253 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE22 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM41 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM151 | Environmental Impact Assessment and Management | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEM422 | Steel and Composite Construction Technology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM24 | Ground Water Hydrology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM422 | Ground Water Hydrology | 5 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE41 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM24 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM423 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CWM252 | Industrial Wastewater Treatment | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CEE424 | Environmental Legal Aspects and Policy Guidelines | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CCT422 | Construction Demolition and Waste Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CIM423 | Construction Demolition and Waste Management | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT41 | Forensic Geotechnical Engineering | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CGT423 | Rock Mechanics | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT41 | Special Problems In Road Construction | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CHT424 | Airport Planning and Design | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE41 | Design of Concrete Bridges | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE423 | Theory of Plasticity And Fracture Mechanics | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CSE424 | Design of Masonry Structures | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM41 | Transportation Infrastructure Design | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTM424 | Intelligent Transportation Systems | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16WLM424 | Global Warming and Climate Change | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |
16CTE423 | Applications of Soft Computing Techniques | 6 | 2017 | PHDCV |