15AE35 MECHANICS OF FLUIDS syllabus for AE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Basic Considerations 10 hours

Basic Considerations:
Introduction, Dimensions- Modules and physical quantities, Continuumview of gases and liquids, Pressure and Temperature scales, Physicalproperties of fluids.
Fluid Statics:
Pressure distribution in a static fluid, Pressure and its measurement,hydrostatic forces on plane and curved surfaces, buoyancy, illustrationby examples.

Module-2 Fluids in motion 10 hours

Fluids in motion:
Methods of describing fluid motion, types of fluid flow, continuityequation in 3 dimensions, velocity potential function and streamfunction. Types of motion, Source sink, doublet , plotting of streamlines and potential lines Numerical problems.
Fluid Kinematics:
Kinematics of fluid motion and the constitutive equations, Integral(global) form of conservation equations (mass, momentum, energy) andapplications, Differential form of conservation equations (continuity,Navier-Stokes equations, energy equation).

Module-3 Fluid Dynamics 10 hours

Fluid Dynamics:
Equations of motion: Euler’s and Bernoulli’s equation of motion forideal and real fluids. Momentum equation, Fluid flow measurements.Numerical problems.
Dimensional analysis and similarity:
Dimensional homogeneity, methods of dimensional analysis, modelanalysis, types of similarity and similitude. Dimensionless numbers.Model laws. Numerical problems.

Module-4 Flow past Immersed bodies 10 hours

Flow past Immersed bodies:
Introduction to boundary layer, boundary layer thickness, karman’sintegral momentum theory, drag on a flat plate for laminar and turbulentflow, Drag on immersed bodies. Expression for drag and lift. Kutta –joukowsky theorem; Fundamentals of aerofoil theory Numericalproblems.

Module-5 Compressible flow and Boundary Layers theory 10 hours

Compressible flow and Boundary Layers theory:
Steady, one-dimensional gas dynamics, Propagation of pressure wavesin a compressible medium, velocity of sound , Mach number, Machcone, Stagnation properties , Bernoulli’s eqn for isentropic flow,normal shock waves . Numerical Problem; Laminar and turbulentboundary layers.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023