1. Study of Laboratory Instruments 2. Media preparation, Preparation of plates and tubes.
3. Pure culture techniques (Streak, pour and spread - plates)
4. Enumeration of microbes by Plate count and haemo-cytometer.
5. Determination of size of cell or fungal spores by Micrometry.
6. Gram staining, Capsule staining, and endospore and flagella staining.
7. Staining of fungi.
8. Characterization of bacteria by Biochemical Tests: IMViC, Starch hydrolysis, carbohydrate fermentation, Catalase, Urease, hydrogen sulphide, Nitrate reduction.
9. Isolation of actinomycetes and rhizobium and their identification
10. Determination of bacterial motility by hanging drop technique.
11. Growth curve studies.
12. Antibiotic sensitivity tests.