1. pH measurements, volume / weight measurements, concentration units, sensitivity. Specificity, precision, accuracy, preparation of buffers of constant strength.
2. Titration of amino acids with acids & bases.
3. Qualitative tests for carbohydrate and lipids.
4. Qualitative tests for amino acids and proteins.
5. Estimation of blood sugar by Folin method and by O-toluene method.
6. Estimation of inorganic phosphate by Fiske-Subbarao method.
7. Estimation of amino acid by ninhydrin method.
8. Estimation of total cholesterol from Serum.
9. Determination of Saponification value and iodine value of lipids with error analysis.
10. Determination of acetyl value of a lipid with error analysis.
11. Estimation of urea by diacetyl monooxime method with error analysis.
12. Estimation of iron from hemoglobin with error analysis.
Course outcomes:
On the completion of this laboratory course, the students will be able to:
Conduct of Practical Examination:
Reference Books:
1. Modern Experimental Biochemistry by Rodney Boyer, Pearson Education.
2. Practical Biochemistry by Cole, Cambridge University Press.
3. Practical Biochemistry by Keith Wilson, Cambridge University Press.
4. An introduction to practical biochemistry by Plummer, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Experimental Biochemistry by Beedu Sashidhar Rao and Vijay Deshpande, I.K.Intl.
6. Lab Math by Dany Spencer Adams, IK Intl. Pub. House.
7. Lab Ref by Jaine Roskams & Linda Rodgers, IK Intl. Pub. House.
8. Manual of Practical Biochemistry for medical students, 2nd edition, University Press.
9. Practical Manual Of Biochemistry by Sharma S. Medtech ,2016