Environment -_ Definition, Eco system -- Balanced ecosystem, Humanactivities - Food, Shelter, Economic and Social Security
Effects of human activities on environment - Agriculture, Housing, Industry,Mining, and Transportation activities, Environmental Impact Assessment.Sustainable Development.
Natural Resources - Water resources - Availability and Quality aspects.Water borne diseases, Water induced diseases, Fluoride problem in drinkingwater. Mineral Resources, Forest Wealth, Material Cycles - Carbon, Nitrogenand Sulphur Cycles.
Energy - Different types of energy, Electro-magnetic radiation. Conventionaland Non - Conventional sources - Hydro Electric, Fossil fuel based, Nuclear,Solar, Biomass and Bio-gas. Hydrogen as an alternative future source ofEnergy.
Environmental Pollution and their effects. Water pollution. Land pollution .Noise pollution . Public Health aspects.
Current Environmental issues of importance:Population Growth, Climate change and Global warming - Effects,Urbanization, Automobile pollution
Acid Rain, Ozone layer depletion, Animal Husbandry
Environmental Protection - Role of Government, Legal aspects, Initiatives byNon - Governmental Organizations (NGO), Environmental Education,Women Education.