14CHE12 Engineering Chemistry syllabus for Chemistry Cycle

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Electrochemistry and Battery Technology 10 hours

Electrochemistry: Introduction, Derivation of Nernst equation for electrodepotential. Types of electrodes: metal-metal ion, metal-metal salt ion, gas,amalgam, redox & ion selective. Reference electrodes: Introduction;construction, working and applications of calomel and Ag / AgCl electrodes.Measurement of standard electrode potential using calomel electrode.Construction and working of glass electrode, determination of pH using glasselectrode. Concentration cells: Electrode & Electrolyte, numerical problemson electrolyte concentration cells.Battery Technology : Introduction, classification - primary, secondary andreserve batteries. Characteristics - cell potential, current, capacity, electricitystorage density, energy efficiency, cycle life and shelf life. Construction,working and applications of Zinc-Air, Nickel- metal hydride batteries. Lithiumbatteries: Introduction, Li-MnO2 and Li-ion batteries.Fuel Cells: Introduction, difference between conventional cell and fuel cell,limitations & advantages. Classification of fuel cells based on temperature,fuel and electrolyte; construction & working of methanol-oxygen fuel cellwith H2SO4 electrolyte.

Module-2 Corrosion and Metal Finishing 10 hours

Corrosion : Introduction, electrochemical theory of corrosion, galvanic series.Factors affecting the rate of corrosion: ratio of anodic to cathodic areas,polarization of anodic & cathodic regions, nature of metal, nature ofcorrosion product, nature of medium – pH, conductivity, and temperature.Types of corrosion- Differential metal , differential aeration(Pitting andwater line) and stress (caustic embrittlement in boilers).Corrosion control:Design and selection of materials, inorganic coatings-Anodizing of Al andphosphating, metal coatings-Galvanization and Tinning. Cathodic protection(sacrificial anodic and impressed current methods).Metal Finishing: Introduction, Technological importance. Electroplating:Introduction, principles governing-Polarization, decomposition potential andovervoltage. Factors influencing the nature of electro deposit-current density,concentration of metal salt, metal ion & electrolyte; pH, temperature &throwing power of plating bath, additives-complexing agents, brighteners,levellers, structure modifiers & wetting agents. Electroplating of chromiumand gold (acidic cyanide bath). Electro less plating: Introduction, distinctionbetween electroplating and electro less plating, electro less plating of copper& manufacture of double sided Printed Circuit Board with copper.

Module-3 Fuels and Solar Energy 10 hours

Fuels: Introduction, classification, calorific value- gross and net calorificvalues, determination of calorific value of fuel using bomb calorimeter,numerical problems. Cracking: Introduction, fluidized catalytic cracking,synthesis of petrol by Fishcher-Tropsch process, reformation of petrol,octane and cetane numbers. Gasoline and diesel knocking and theirmechanism, anti knocking agents, unleaded petrol, power alcohol, biodiesel& biogas.Solar Energy: Introduction, utilization and conversion, photovoltaic cellsimportance,construction and working. Design: modules, panels & arrays.Advantages & disadvantages of PV cells. Silicon-physical & chemicalproperties relevant to photovoltaics, production of solar grade silicon(unioncarbide process), doping of silicon-diffusion technique (n&p types) andpurification of silicon(zone refining).

Module-4 Polymers 10 hours

Introduction, types of polymerization: addition and condensation, mechanismof polymerization- free radical mechanism taking vinyl chloride as an example.Molecular weight of polymers: number average and weight average,numerical problems. Glass transition temperature (Tg): Factors influencingTg-Flexibility, inter molecular forces, molecular mass, branching & crosslinking, and stereo regularity. Significance of Tg. Structure propertyrelationship: crystallinity, tensile strength, elasticity, plastic deformation &chemical resistivity. Synthesis, properties and applications of PMMA (plexiglass), Teflon, Polyurethane and polycarbonate. Elastomers: Introduction,synthesis, properties and applications of Silicone rubber. Adhesives:Introduction, synthesis, properties and applications of epoxy resin. PolymerComposites: Introduction, synthesis, properties and applications of kevlarand carbon fiber. Conducting polymers: Introduction, mechanism ofconduction in Polyaniline and applications of conducting polyaniline.

Module-5 Water Technology and Nanomaterials 10 hours

Water Technology: Introduction, sources and impurities of water; boiler feedwater, boiler troubles with disadvantages -scale and sludge formation, primingand foaming, boiler corrosion(due to dissolved O2, CO2 and MgCl2).Determination of DO, BOD and COD, numerical problems. Sewage treatment:Primary, secondary (activated sludge method) and tertiary methods. Softeningof water by ion exchange process. Desalination of sea water by reverseosmosis & electrodialysis (ion selective)..Nano Materials : Introduction, properties (size dependent). Synthesis-bottomup approach (sol-gel, precipitation, gas condensation, chemical vapourcondensation, hydro thermal & thermolysis processes). Nano scale materialsnanocrystals & clusters, nano crystalline, fullerenes, carbon nano tubes,nano wires, nano rods, dendrimers & nano composites.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023