14CHEL17 Engg. Chemistry Lab syllabus for Chemistry Cycle

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Instrumental Experiments 0 hours

Estimation of FAS potentiometrically using standard K2Cr2O7 solution.

Module-2 Instrumental Experiments 0 hours

Estimation of Copper colorimetrically.

Module-3 Instrumental Experiments 0 hours

Estimation of Acids in acid mixture conductometrically.

Module-4 Instrumental Experiments 0 hours

Determination of pKa of weak acid using pH meter.

Module-5 Instrumental Experiments 0 hours

Determination of Viscosity co-efficient of a liquid using Ostwald’sviscometer

Module-6 Instrumental Experiments 0 hours

Estimation of Sodium and Potassium in the given sample of water usingFlame Photometer.

Module-7 Volumetric Experiments 0 hours

Estimation of Total hardness of water by EDTA complexometric method.

Module-8 Volumetric Experiments 0 hours

Estimation of CaO in cement by rapid EDTA method.

Module-9 Volumetric Experiments 0 hours

Determination of percentage of Copper in brass solution using standardsodium thiosulphate solution.

Module-10 Volumetric Experiments 0 hours

Estimation of Iron in haematite ore solution using K2Cr2O7 solution byexternal indicator method.

Module-11 Volumetric Experiments 0 hours

Estimation of Alkalinity (OH-, CO3— & HCO3-) of water using standardHCl solution.

Module-12 Volumetric Experiments 0 hours

Determination of COD of waste water.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023