17ELN15 Basic Electronics syllabus for Chemistry Cycle

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Semiconductor Diodes and Applications 10 hours

Semiconductor Diodes and Applications (Text-1): p-n junctiondiode, Characteristics and Parameters, Diode approximations, DCload line analysis, Half-wave rectifier, Two-diode Full-wave rectifier,Bridge rectifier, Capacitor filter circuit (only qualitative approch),Zener diode voltage regulators: Regulator circuit with no load,Loaded Regulator. Numerical examples as applicable.
Bipolar Junction Transistors: BJT operation, BJT Voltages andCurrents, BJT amplification, Common Base, Common Emitter andCommon Collector Characteristics, Numerical examples asapplicable

Module-2 BJT Biasing 10 hours

BJT Biasing (Text-1): DC Load line and Bias Point, Base Bias,Voltage divider Bias, Numerical examples as applicable.
Introduction to Operational Amplifiers (Text-2): Ideal OPAMP,Inverting and Non Inverting OPAMP circuits, OPAMP applications:voltage follower, addition, subtraction, integration, differentiation;Numerical examples as applicable.

Module-3 Digital Electronics 10 hours

Digital Electronics (Text-2): Introduction, Switching and LogicLevels, Digital Waveform (Sections 9.1to 9.3). Number Systems:Decimal Number System, Binary Number System, ConvertingDecimal to Binary, Hexadecimal Number System: ConvertingBinary to Hexadecimal, Hexadecimal to Binary, ConvertingHexadecimal to Decimal, Converting Decimal to Hexadecimal, OctalNumbers: Binary to Octal Conversion. Complement of BinaryNumbers. Boolean Algebra Theorems, De Morgan’s theorem. DigitalCircuits: Logic gates, NOT Gate, AND Gate, OR Gate, XOR Gate,NAND Gate, NOR Gate, X-NOR Gate. Algebraic Simplification,NAND and NOR Implementation (Sections 11.7 and 11.8): NANDImplementation, NOR Implementation. Half adder, Full adder.

Module-4 Flip-Flops 10 hours

Flip-Flops (Text-2): Introduction to Flip-Flops (Section 12.1), NANDGate Latch/ NOR Gate Latch, RS Flip-Flop, Gated Flip-Flops:Clocked RS Flip-Flop (Sections 12.3 to 12.5).
Microcontrollers (Ref.1): Introduction to Microcontrollers, 8051Microcontroller Architecture and an example of Microcontrollerbased stepper motor control system (only Block Diagram approach).

Module-5 Communication Systems 10 hours

Communication Systems (Text-2): Introduction, Elements ofCommunication Systems, Modulation: Amplitude Modulation,Spectrum Power, AM Detection (Demodulation), Frequency andPhase Modulation. Amplitude and Frequency Modulation: Acomparison.
Transducers (Text-2): Introduction, Passive Electrical Transducers,Resistive Transducers, Resistance Thermometers, Thermistor.Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT). Active ElectricalTransducers, Piezoelectric Transducer, Photoelectric Transducer.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023