Part A
Unit-1 Introduction to C++ Class and Objects 6 hours

Introduction to C++: A Review of Structures, Procedure-Oriented Programming Systems, Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Comparison of C++ with C, Console Input/Output in C++, Variables in C++, Reference Variables in C++, Function Prototyping, Function Overloading, Default Values for Formal Arguments of Functions, Inline Functions. 4 Hours Class and Objects: Introduction to Classes and Objects 2 Hours

Unit-2 Class and Objects contd 6 hours

Class and Objects contd.: Member Functions and Member Data, Objects and Functions, Objects and Arrays, Namespaces, Nested Classes

Unit-3 Dynamic Memory Management Constructors and Destructors 7 hours

Dynamic Memory Management: Introduction, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Dynamic Memory Deallocation, The set_new_handler() function Constructors and Destructors: Constructors, Destructors, The Philosophy of OOPS

Unit-4 Inheritance 7 hours

Inheritance: Introduction to Inheritance, Base Class and Derived Class Pointers, Function Overriding, Base Class Initialization, The Protected Access Specifier, Deriving by Different Access Specifiers, Different Kinds of Inheritance, Order of Invocation of Constructors and Destructors

Part B
Unit-5 Virtual Functions and Dynamic Polymorphism Stream Handling 6 hours

Virtual Functions and Dynamic Polymorphism: The Need for Virtual Functions, Virtual Functions, The Mechanism of Virtual Functions, Pure Virtual Functions, Virtual Destructors and Virtual Constructors Stream Handling: Streams, The Class Hierarchy of Handling Streams, Text and Binary Input/Output, Text Versus Binary Files, Text Input/Output, Binary Input/Output

Unit-6 Stream Handling contd Operator Overloading 7 hours

Stream Handling contd.: Opening and Closing Files, Files as Objects of the fstream Class, File Pointer, Random Access to Files, Object Input/Output through Member Functions, Error Handling, Manipulators Operator Overloading: Operator Overloading, Overloading the Various Operators – Overloading the Increment and the Decrement Operators (Prefix and Postfix), Overloading the Unary Minus and the Unary Plus Operator, Overloading the Arithmetic Operators

Unit-7 Operator Overloading contd 6 hours

Operator Overloading contd.: Overloading the Relational Operators, Overloading the Assignment Operator, Overloading the Insertion and Extraction Operators, Overloading the new and the delete Operators, Overloading the Subscript Operator, Overloading the Pointer-to-member (->) Operator (Smart Pointer)

Unit-8 Type Conversion Templates Exception Handling 7 hours

Type Conversion, New Style Casts, and RTTI Templates: Introduction, Function Templates, Class Templates, The Standard Template Library (STL) Exception Handling: Introduction, C-Style Handling of Error-generating Codes, C++ Style Solution – the try/throw/catch Construct, Limitation of Exception Handling

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023