Embedded systems; Processor embedded into a system; Embedded hardware units and devices in a system; Embedded software in a system; Examples of embedded systems; Embedded System-on-Chip (SoC) and use of VLSI circuit design technology; Complex systems design and processors; Design process in embedded system.
Formalization of system design; Design process and design examples; Classification of embedded systems; Skills required for an embedded system designer.I/O types and examples; Serial communication devices; Parallel device ports; Sophisticated interfacing features in device ports.
Wireless devices; Timer and counting devices; Watchdog timer; Real time clock; Networked embedded systems; Serial bus communication protocols; Parallel bus device protocols; Internet enabled systems; Wireless and mobile system protocols.
Device access without interrupts; ISR concept; Interrupt sources; Interrupt servicing mechanism; Multiple interrupts; Context and the periods for context-switching, interrupt latency and deadline; Classification of processors’ interrupt service mechanism from context-saving angle; Direct memory access; Device drivers programming.
Program models; DFG models; State machine programming models for event controlled program flow; Modeling of multiprocessor systems. Multiple processes in an application; Multiple threads in an application; Tasks and task states; Task and data; Distinctions between functions, ISRs and tasks.
Operating System services; Process management; Timer functions; Event functions; Memory management; Device, file and I/O sub-systems management; Interrupt routines in RTOS environment and handling of interrupt source calls.
Real-Time Operating Systems; Basic design using an RTOS; RTOS task scheduling models, interrupt latency and response times of the tasks as performance metrics; OS security issues.
Introduction; Host and target machines; Linking and locating software; Getting embedded software in to the target system; Issues in hardware-software design and co-design; Testing on host machine; Simulators; Laboratory tools.