Basic concepts, Image digitization, Digital image properties.
Image pre-processing: Brightness and geometric transformations, local preprocessing.
Thresholding, Edge-based segmentation.
Region based segmentation, Matching.
Image enhancement in the spatial domain: Background, Some basic gray level transformations, Histogram processing, Enhancement using arithmetic / logic operations, Basics of spatial filtering, Smoothing spatial filters, Sharpening spatial filters. Image enhancement in the frequency domain: Background, Introduction to the Fourier transform and the frequency domain, Smoothing Frequency-Domain filters, Sharpening Frequency Domain filters, Homomorphic filtering.
Image compression: Fundamentals, Image compression models, Elements of information theory, Error-Free Compression, Lossy compression.
Region identification, Contour-based shape representation and description, Region based shape representation and description, Shape classes.
Basic morphological concepts, Morphology principles, Binary dilation and erosion, Gray-scale dilation and erosion, Morphological segmentation and watersheds.