Fundamental SOA; Common Characteristics of contemporary SOA; Common tangible benefits of SOA; An SOA timeline (from XML to Web services to SOA); The continuing evolution of SOA (Standards organizations and Contributing vendors); The roots of SOA (comparing SOA to Past architectures).
The Web services framework; Services (as Web services); Service descriptions (with WSDL); Messaging (with SOAP).
Message exchange patterns; Service activity; Coordination; Atomic Transactions; Business activities; Orchestration; Choreography.
Addressing; Reliable messaging; Correlation; Polices; Metadata exchange; Security; Notification and eventing.
Services-orientation and the enterprise; Anatomy of a service-oriented architecture; Common Principles of Service-orientation; How service orientation principles inter-relate; Service-orientation and object-orientation; Native Web service support for service-orientation principles.
Service-orientation and contemporary SOA; Service layer abstraction; Application service layer, Business service layer, Orchestration service layer; Agnostic services; Service layer configuration scenarios.
WS-BPEL language basics; WS-Coordination overview; Service-oriented business process design; WS-addresing language basics; WS-Reliable Messaging language basics.
SOA platform basics; SOA support in J2EE; SOA support in .NET; Integration considerations.