10CS62 Unix System Programming syllabus for CS

Part A
Unit-1 Introduction 6 hours

UNIX and ANSI Standards: The ANSI C Standard, The ANSI/ISO C++ Standards, Difference between ANSI C and C++, The POSIX Standards, The POSIX.1 FIPS Standard, The X/Open Standards. UNIX and POSIX APIs: The POSIX APIs, The UNIX and POSIX Development Environment, API Common Characteristics.

Unit-2 UNIX Files 6 hours

File Types, The UNIX and POSIX File System, The UNIX and POSIX File Attributes, Inodes in UNIX System V, Application Program Interface to Files, UNIX Kernel Support for Files, Relationship of C Stream Pointers and File Descriptors, Directory Files, Hard and Symbolic Links.

Unit-3 UNIX File APIs 7 hours

General File APIs, File and Record Locking, Directory File APIs, Device File APIs, FIFO File APIs, Symbolic Link File APIs, General File Class, regfile Class for Regular Files, dirfile Class for Directory Files, FIFO File Class, Device File Class, Symbolic Link File Class, File Listing Program.

Unit-4 UNIX Processes 7 hours

The Environment of a UNIX Process: Introduction, main function, Process Termination, Command-Line Arguments, Environment List, Memory Layout of a C Program, Shared Libraries, Memory Allocation, Environment Variables, setjmp and longjmp Functions, getrlimit, setrlimit Functions, UNIX Kernel Support for Processes.

Part B
Unit-5 Process Control 7 hours

Introduction, Process Identifiers, fork, vfork, exit, wait, waitpid, wait3, wait4 Functions, Race Conditions, exec Functions, Changing User IDs and Group IDs, Interpreter Files, system Function, Process Accounting, User Identification, Process Times, I/O Redirection. Process Relationships: Introduction, Terminal Logins, Network Logins, Process Groups, Sessions, Controlling Terminal, tcgetpgrp and tcsetpgrp Functions, Job Control, Shell Execution of Programs, Orphaned Process Groups.

Unit-6 Signals and Daemon Processes 7 hours

Signals: The UNIX Kernel Support for Signals, signal, Signal Mask, sigaction, The SIGCHLD Signal and the waitpid Function, The sigsetjmp and siglongjmp Functions, Kill, Alarm, Interval Timers, POSIX.lb Timers. Daemon Processes: Introduction, Daemon Characteristics, Coding Rules, Error Logging, Client-Server Model.

Unit-7 Interprocess Communication – 1 6 hours

Overview of IPC Methods, Pipes, popen, pclose Functions, Coprocesses, FIFOs, System V IPC, Message Queues, Semaphores.

Unit-8 Interprocess Communication – 2 6 hours

Shared Memory, Client-Server Properties, Stream Pipes, Passing File Descriptors, An Open Server-Version 1, Client-Server Connection Functions.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023