10CS751 Advanced DBMS syllabus for CS

Part A
Unit-1 Overview of Storage and Indexing, Disks and Files 7 hours

Data on external storage; File organizations and indexing; Index data structures; Comparison of file organizations; Indexes and performance tuning Memory hierarchy; RAID; Disk space management; Buffer manager; Files of records; Page formats and record formats

Unit-2 Tree Structured Indexing 7 hours

Intuition for tree indexes; Indexed sequential access method; B+ trees, Search, Insert, Delete, Duplicates, B+ trees in practice

Unit-3 Hash-Based Indexing 6 hours

Static hashing; Extendible hashing, Linear hashing,comparisons

Unit-4 Overview of Query Evaluation, External Sorting 6 hours

The system catalog;Introduction to operator evaluation; Algorithms for relational operations; Introduction to query optimization; Alternative plans: A motivating example; what a typical optimizer does. When does a DBMS sort data? A simple two-way merge sort; External merge sort

Part B
Unit-5 Evaluating Relational Operators 6 hours

The Selection operation; General selection conditions; The Projection operation; The Join operation; The Set operations; Aggregate operations; The impact of buffering

Unit-6 A Typical Relational Query Optimizer 7 hours

Translating SQL queries in to Relational Algebra; Estimating the cost of a plan; Relational algebra equivalences; Enumeration of alternative plans; Nested sub-queries; other approaches to query optimization.

Unit-7 Physical Database Design and Tuning 7 hours

Introduction; Guidelines for index selection, examples; Clustering and indexing; Indexes that enable index-only plans; Tools to assist in index selection; Overview of database tuning; Choices in tuning the conceptual schema; Choices in tuning queries and views; Impact of concurrency; DBMS benchmarking.

Unit-8 More Recent Applications 6 hours

Mobile databases; Multimedia databases;Geographical Information Systems; Genome data management

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023