Why design Integrated Circuits? Integrated Circuits manufacturing, CMOS Technology, Integrated Circuit Design Techniques, IP-based Design.
Fabrication Processes, Transistors, Wires and vias, SCMOS Design Rules, Layout design and tools.
Combinatorial logic functions, Static Complementary gates, Switch Logic.
Alternative gate Circuits, Low Power gates, Delay through resistive interconnect; Delay through inductive interconnect, Design for yield, Gates as IP.
Standard cell-based layout, Combinatorial network delay, Logic and interconnect design, Power Optimization, Switch logic networks, Combinational logic testing.
Latches and Flip-flops, Sequential systems and clocking disciplines, Clock generators, Sequential systems design, Power optimization, Design validation, Sequential testing.
Register Transfer design, High Level Synthesis,Architecture for Low Power, Architecture testing.
Placement and Partitioning: Circuit Representation, Wire-length Estimation, Types of Placement Problems, Placement Algorithms, Constructive Placement, Iterative Improvement, Partitioning, The Kernighan-Lin Partitioning Algorithm. Floor Planning: Concepts, Shape functions and floor plan sizing.Routing: Types of Local Routing Problems, Area Routing, Channel Routing, Introduction to Global Routing, Algorithms for Global Routing