15CS35 Unix and Shell Programming syllabus for CS

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction 10 hours

Introduction, Brief history. Unix Components/Architecture. Features of Unix. The UNIXEnvironment and UNIX Structure, Posix and Single Unix specification. The login prompt.General features of Unix commands/ command structure. Command arguments andoptions. Understanding of some basic commands such as echo, printf, ls, who, date,passwd, cal, Combining commands. Meaning of Internal and external commands. The typecommand: knowing the type of a command and locating it. The man command knowingmore about Unix commands and using Unix online manual pages. The man with keywordoption and whatis. The more command and using it with other commands. Knowing theuser terminal, displaying its characteristics and setting characteristics. Managing the nonuniformbehaviour of terminals and keyboards. The root login. Becoming the super user: sucommand. The /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files. Commands to add, modify and deleteusers.
Topics from chapter 2 , 3 and 15 of text book 1,chapter 1 from text book 2

Module-2 Unix files 10 hours

Unix files. Naming files. Basic file types/categories. Organization of files. Hidden files.Standard directories. Parent child relationship. The home directory and the HOMEvariable. Reaching required files- the PATH variable, manipulating the PATH, Relativeand absolute pathnames. Directory commands – pwd, cd, mkdir, rmdir commands. The dot(.) and double dots (..) notations to represent present and parent directories and their usagein relative path names. File related commands – cat, mv, rm, cp, wc and od commands.File attributes and permissions and knowing them. The ls command with options.Changing file permissions: the relative and absolute permissions changing methods.Recursively changing file permissions. Directory permissions.
Topics from chapters 4, 5 and 6 of text book 1

Module-3 The vi editor 10 hours

The vi editor. Basics. The .exrc file. Different ways of invoking and quitting vi. Differentmodes of vi. Input mode commands. Command mode commands. The ex mode commands.Illustrative examples Navigation commands. Repeat command. Pattern searching. Thesearch and replace command. The set, map and abbr commands. Simple examples usingthese commands.The shells interpretive cycle. Wild cards and file name generation. Removing the specialmeanings of wild cards. Three standard files and redirection. Connecting commands: Pipe.Splitting the output: tee. Command substitution. Basic and Extended regular expressions.The grep, egrep. Typical examples involving different regular expressions.
Topics from chapters 7, 8 and 13 of text book 1. Topics from chapter 2 and 9 ,10 oftext book 2

Module-4 Shell programming 10 hours

Shell programming
Ordinary and environment variables. The .profile. Read and readonlycommands. Command line arguments. exit and exit status of a command. Logical operatorsfor conditional execution. The test command and its shortcut. The if, while, for and casecontrol statements. The set and shift commands and handling positional parameters. Thehere ( << ) document and trap command. Simple shell program examples. File inodes andthe inode structure. File links – hard and soft links. Filters. Head and tail commands. Cutand paste commands. The sort command and its usage with different options. The umaskand default file permissions. Two special files /dev/null and /dev/tty.
Topics from chapter 11, 12, 14 of text book 1,chapter 17 from text book2

Module-5 Meaning of a process 10 hours

Meaning of a process
Mechanism of process creation. Parent and child process. The pscommand with its options. Executing a command at a specified point of time: at command.Executing a command periodically: cron command and the crontab file.. Signals. The niceand nohup commands. Background processes. The bg and fg command. The kill command.The find command with illustrative example.Structure of a perl script. Running a perl script. Variables and operators. String handlingfunctions. Default variables - $_ and $. – representing the current line and current linenumber. The range operator. Chop() and chomp() functions. Lists and arrays. The @-variable. The splice operator, push(), pop(), split() and join(). File handles and handling file– using open(), close() and die () functions.. Associative arrays – keys and value functions.Overview of decision making loop control structures – the foreach. Regular expressions –simple and multiple search patterns. The match and substitute operators. Defining andusing subroutines.
Topics from chapter 9 and 19 of text book 1. Topics from chapter 11 of referencebook 1

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023

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