What is artificial intelligence?, Problems, Problem Spaces and search, Heuristic search technique
TextBook1: Ch 1, 2 and 3
Knowledge Representation Issues, Using Predicate Logic, Representing knowledge using Rules,
TextBoook1: Ch 4, 5 and 6.
Symbolic Reasoning under Uncertainty, Statistical reasoning, Weak Slot and Filter Structures.
TextBoook1: Ch 7, 8 and 9.
Strong slot-and-filler structures, Game Playing.
TextBoook1: Ch 10 and 12
Natural Language Processing, Learning, Expert Systems.
TextBook1: Ch 15,17 and 20
Course outcomes:
The students should be able to:
Question paper pattern:
Text Books:
1. E. Rich , K. Knight & S. B. Nair - Artificial Intelligence, 3/e, McGraw Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Stuart Rusell, Peter Norving, Pearson Education 2nd Edition.
2. Dan W. Patterson, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems – Prentice Hal of India.
3. G. Luger, “Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for complex problem Solving”, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education, 2002.
4. Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Development by D W Rolston-Mc Graw hill.
5. N.P. Padhy “Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems” , Oxford University Press-2015