15CS63 System Software and Compiler Design syllabus for CS

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Introduction to System Software, Machine Architecture of SIC and SIC/XE. Assemblers 10 hours

Introduction to System Software, Machine Architecture of SIC and SIC/XE. Assemblers: Basic assembler functions, machine dependent assembler features, machine independent assembler features, assembler design options. Macroprocessors: Basic macro processor functions, Text book 1: Chapter 1, Chapter2,Chapter4

Module-2 Loaders and Linkers 10 hours

Loaders and Linkers: Basic Loader Functions, Machine Dependent Loader Features, Machine Independent Loader Features, Loader Design Options, Implementation Examples. Text book 1 : Chapter 3 , Reference 1: Chapter 5

Module-3 Lexical Analysis 10 hours

Lexical Analysis: Introduction, Alphabets And Tokens In Computer Languages, Representation, Token Recognition And Finite Automata, Implementation, Error Recovery. Text book 2: Chapter 1Chapter 3

Module-4 Syntax Analysis 10 hours

Syntax Analysis: Introduction, Role Of Parsers, Context Free Grammars, Top Down Parsers, Bottom-Up Parsers, Operator-Precedence Parsing Text book 2: Chapter 4

Module-5 Syntax Directed Translation 10 hours

Syntax Directed Translation, Intermediate code generation, Code generation Text book 2: Chapter 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 6.2, 8.1, 8.2

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023