17CS562 Artificial Intelligence syllabus for CS

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 What is artificial intelligence? 8 hours

What is artificial intelligence?, Problems, Problem Spaces and search, Heuristic search technique

Module-2 Knowledge Representation Issues, Using Predicate Logic, 8 hours

Knowledge Representation Issues, Using Predicate Logic, Representing knowledge using Rules,

Module-3 Symbolic Reasoning under Uncertainty 8 hours

Symbolic Reasoning under Uncertainty, Statistical reasoning, Weak Slot and Filter Structures.

Module-4 Strong slot-and-filler structures 8 hours

Strong slot-and-filler structures, Game Playing.

Module-5 Natural Language Processing 8 hours

Natural Language Processing, Learning, Expert Systems.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023