17CSP85 Project Work-II syllabus for CS

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 6 hours

Description (If any):

  • Project: Carried out at the Institution or at an Industry.
  • Project work shall preferably be batch wise, the strength of each batch shall not exceed maximum of four students
  • Viva-voce examination in project work shall be conducted batch-wise.
  • For Project Phase –I and Project seminar and Project Phase –II, the CIE shall be 100 respectively.
  • The CIE marks in the case of projects in the final year shall be based on the evaluation at the end of VIII semester by a committee consisting of the Head of the concerned Department and two senior faculty members of the Department, one of whom shall be the project guide.
  • Minimum requirement of CIE marks for Project work shall be 50% of the maximum marks.
  • Students failing to secure a minimum of 50% of the CIE marks in Project work shall not be eligible for the Project examination conducted by the University and they shall be considered as failed in that/those Course/s. However, they can appear for University examinations conducted in other Courses of the same semester and backlog Courses if any. Students after satisfying the prescribed minimum CIE marks in the Course/s when offered during subsequent semester shall appear for SEE.
  • Improvement of CIE marks shall not be allowed in Project where the student has already secured the minimum required marks
  • For a pass in a Project/Viva-voce examination, a student shall secure a minimum of 40% of the maximum marks prescribed for the University Examination. The Minimum Passing Grade in a Course is ‘E’.
  • The student who desires to reject the results of a semester shall reject performance in all the Courses of the semester, irrespective of whether the student has passed or failed in any Course. However, the rejection of performance of VIII semester project shall not be permitted


Course outcomes:

The students should be able to:

1. Identify a issue and derive problem related to society, environment, economics, energy and technology

2. Formulate and Analyze the problem and determine the scope of the solution chosen

3. Determine , dissect, and estimate the parameters, required in the solution.

4. Evaluate the solution by considering the standard data / Objective function and by using appropriate performance metrics.

5. Compile the report and take part in present / publishing the finding in a reputed conference / publications

6. Attempt to obtain ownership of the solution / product developed.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023