17MA33 Thermodynamics syllabus for MA

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Fundamental Concepts & Definitions 10 hours

Fundamental Concepts & Definitions: Thermodynamics definition. Characteristics of system boundary and control surface, examples. Thermodynamic properties - definition and units, intensive and extensive properties. Thermodynamic state, state point, state diagram, path and process, quasi-static process, cyclic and non-cyclic processes; Thermodynamic equilibrium; Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Temperature; concepts, scales, fixed points and measurements.

Work and Heat: Thermodynamic definition of work; examples, sign convention, p-v diagrams.

Module-2 First Law of Thermodynamics 10 hours

First Law of Thermodynamics: Statement of the First law of thermodynamics, extension of the First law to non - cyclic processes. Specific heat at constant volume, enthalpy, specific heat at constant pressure, important applications.

Second Law of Thermodynamics: Kelvin - Planck statement of the Second law of Thermodynamics; PMM I and PMM II, Clausius statement of Second law of Thermodynamics, Equivalence of the two statements; Reversible and irrevesible processes; factors that make a process irreversible, reversible heat engines, Carnot cycle, Carnot principles.

Module-3 Gas power cycle 10 hours

Gas power cycle: Air Standard cycles: Carnot, Otto, Diesel, Dual and Stirling cycles, P-V and TS diagrams, description, efficiencies and mean effective pressures, Comparison of Otto, Diesel and dual cycles.

Vapour Power Cycles: Carnot vapour power cycles, Simple Rankine cycle, T- S diagram, comparison of Carnot and Rankine cycles.

Module-4 Entropy 10 hours

Entropy: Clasius inequality; Statement, proof, application to a reversible cycle. Entropy; definition, a property, change of entropy, principle of increase in entropy, calculation of entropy using Tds relations.

Pure Substances: P-T and P-V diagrams, triple point and critical points. Subcooled liquid, saturated liquid, mixture of saturated liquid and vapour, saturated vapour and superheated vapour states of pure substance with water as example. Enthalpy of change of phase (Latent heat). Dryness fraction (quality), Steam tables and its use.

Module-5 Refrigeration 10 hours

Refrigeration: Vapour compression refrigeration system ; description, analysis, refrigerating effect, capacity , power required, units of refrigeration, COP , Refrigerants and their desirable properties. Air cycle refrigeration; reversed Carnot cycle, reversed Brayton cycle, Vapour absorption refrigeration system. Calculation of refrigeration load with examples.

Psychometry: Atmospheric air and psychometric properties; Dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, dew point temperature; partial pressures, specific and relative humidities. Construction and use of psychometric chart . Analysis of various processes; heating, cooling , dehumidifying and humidifying. Summer and winter air conditioning. Calculation of air conditioning load with examples.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023