10MBA11 Management and behavioral processes syllabus for MBA

Unit-1 Management 8 hours

Introduction: Definition of management, nature, purpose and functions, level and types ofmanagers, Manager/Non-Manager, Managerial Roles, Essential Managerial Skills, Key personal characteristicsfor Managerial success. Evolution and various schools to management thoughts, continuing management themes– quality and performance excellence, global awareness, learning organization, Characteristics of 21 st centuryExecutives. Social responsibility of managers.

Unit-2 Planning 8 hours

Meaning and nature of planning, types of plans, steps in planning process; Objectives: meaning,setting and managing objectives – MBO method: concept and process of managing by objectives; Strategies:definition, levels of strategies, its importance in an Organization; Policies: meaning, formulation of policies;Programs: meaning, nature; Planning premises: concept, developing effective planning premises; Decisionmaking, steps in decision making, approaches to decision making, types of decisions and various techniquesused for decision making.

Unit-3 Organizing 8 hours

Organizing as managerial function – organization structure, formal and informal organization.Traditional Organization Structures – Functional, Divisional and Matrix StructureDirections in organizational Structures – Team structure, network structure, boundary less structureOrganizing Trends and Practices – Chain of command, unity of command, span of control, delegation andempowerment, decentralization and use of staff, organizational design and organizational configuration.

Unit-4 Leading as a function of management 8 hours

Leadership and vision, Leadership traits, classic Leadership styles,Leaders behaviour – Likert’s four systems, Managerial Grid. Overlapping role of leader and managers. Theorganizational context of communication, Directions of communications, channels of communication, Barriersto communication. Motivation and rewards, Rewards and performance. Hierarchy of need theory and twofactory theory. Integrated model of motivation.

Unit-5 Controlling 6 hours

Control function in management, The basic control process. Types of control – feed forward,concurrent and feedback controls. Factors in control effectiveness.

Unit-6 Organizational behavior 4 hours

Introduction, definition, goals, elements, historical development of OrganizationalBehaviour, fundamental concepts, contributing disciplines to OB, Models of OB, social systems andorganizational culture, international dimensions of organizational behaviour, limitations of Organizationalbehaviour, the future of OB.

Unit-7 Individual behaviours 8 hours

Individual behaviours: Introduction, foundation of individual behavior:Personality: definition, determinants, personality traits, types, from concepts to skills, theories, instruments tomeasure personality, personality attributes influencing OBPerception: meaning, factors influencing perception, theories, perceptual errorsEmotions: meaning, types of emotions, determinants, emotional labour, emotional intelligence.Attitudes: definition, sources of attitudes, types of attitudes, cognitive dissonance theory, from concepts toskills, changing attitudes, work related attitudes.Values: definition, importance of values, sources of our value systems, types of values, loyalty and ethicalbehavior.Learning: definition - theories of learning - some specific organizational applications.

Unit-8 Behaviour in the organization 6 hours

Behaviour in the organization: Introduction, Issues between organizations and individuals: conformity issue,rights of privacy, discipline, individuals’ responsibilities to the organization.Interpersonal behaviour: Conflict in Organizations: nature of conflict, levels of conflict, conflict managementstyles.Group dynamics: types of groups, meetings, teamwork, stages of group formation.Employee stress: forms, causes, implications, approaches to stress management.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023