10MBA33 Operations Management syllabus for MBA

Unit-1 Introduction and Break even analysis 7 hours

Break even analysis - Break even analysis in terms of physical units, sales value, and percentage of full capacity.Break even for Multi Product situations, Capacity expansion decisions, Product add or drop decisions, Make orBuy decisions, Equipment Selection decisions, Production process selection decisions, Managerial uses of breakeven analysis, Limitations of Breakeven analysis.Note: The module will cover both theory and numerical problems with emphasis on decision making forcompetitive advantage.

Unit-2 Forecasting 7 hours

Forecasting as a planning tool, forecasting time horizon, short and long range forecasting, sources of data, typesof forecasting, qualitative forecasting techniques, quantitative forecasting models - Linear regression, Movingaverage, Weighted moving average, Exponential smoothing, Exponential smoothing with trends, Measurementof errors, Monitoring and Controlling forecasting models.Note: The module will cover both theory and numerical problems

Unit-3 Facility Planning 6 hours

Facilities location decisions, factors affecting facility location decisions and their relative importance fordifferent types of facilities, Facility location models.Facility layout planning. Layout and its objectives for manufacturing operations, warehouse operations, serviceoperations, and office operations., principles, types of plant layouts – product layout, process layout, fixedposition layout, cellular manufacturing layouts, hybrid layouts, Factors influencing layout changes.Note: The module will cover theory focusing on safety, psychological factors, and productivity.Numerical problems on location selection

Unit-4 Employee Productivity 6 hours

Productivity and work studyProductivity and the standard of living, Productivity and the organization, productivity, variables affectinglabour productivity, work content and time, Work Study and related working conditions and human factors.Method StudyIntroduction to Method Study, Data collection, recording, examining, and improving work, Material flow andmaterial handling study, Worker flow study, Worker area study,Work MeasurementIntroduction to Work Measurement, Work sampling study, Time study and setting standardsNumerical problems on productivity measurement, time study and work standards

Unit-5 Capacity Planning 6 hours

Concept and overview of aggregation, Demand and capacity options and strategies in production and services,capacity and value, financial impact of capacity decisions, aggregate planning types and procedure, capacityrequirement planning, concepts of yields (productivity) and its impact on capacity.Capacity requirement planning, Materials requirement planning,Planning hierarchies in operations, aggregate planning, purpose, necessity and importance of aggregateplanning, Managerial importance of aggregate plans, alternatives for managing demand and supply, capacityaugmentation strategies. Matching demand and capacity, demand chase aggregate planning, level productionaggregate planning, capacity planning and steps,Resource requirements planning system, material requirement planning, objectives of MRP, elements of MRP,BOM, benefits of MRP.

Unit-6 Materials Management 6 hours

Role of Materials Management- materials and profitability, Purchase functions, Procurement proceduresincluding bid systems, Vendor selection and development, Vendor rating, ethics in purchasing. Roles andresponsibilities of purchase professionals. Concepts of lead time, purchase requisition, purchase order,amendments, forms used and records maintained.Inventory Management: Concepts of inventory, types, Classification, selective inventory management, ABCVED, and FSN analysis. Inventory costs, Inventory models – EOQ, safety stocks, Re order point, Quantitydiscounts.Stores- types, functions, roles responsibilities, Inventory records,Numerical problems on vendor rating, ABC analysis, Inventory models, Discounts

Unit-7 Quality Management I 12 hours

Basic concepts of quality of products and services, dimensions of quality. Relationships between quality,productivity, costs, cycle time and value. Juran’s quality trilogyImpact of quality on costs – quality costs. Demings 14 principles.. Quality improvement and cost reduction – 7QC tools and 7 new QC tools, PDCA cycle, Quality circles, Quality Function Deployment and its benefits.Quality Systems – Need, benefits, linkage with generic strategies, ISO 9000 – 2000 clauses, coverage, QS 9000clauses, coverage, linkages with functional domains like production, marketing, six sigma concepts, organizingfor continuous improvement, Excellence models, awards and standards awards – MBNQA, Demings prize,Baldrige award, their main focus. Role of management in implementing quality systems.

Unit-8 Quality Management II 6 hours

Concept of specification limits, statistical control limits, Process control and control charts for both attributesand variable data. Operators role in quality assurance.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023