10MBAHR343 Performance management and competency mapping syllabus for MBA

Unit-1 Introduction 8 hours

Definition of performance Management, the performance management contribution, dangers ofpoorly implemented PM systems, aims and role of PM Systems, characteristics of an ideal PM systems,performance management process, performance management and strategic planning.

Unit-2 Performance appraisal system implementation 10 hours

Defining performance, determinants of performance,performance dimensions, approaches to measuring performance, diagnosing the causes of poor performance,differentiating task from contextual performance, choosing a performance measurement approach.Measuring results and behaviours, gathering performance information, implementing performance managementsystem.Conducting Staff Appraisals: Introduction, need, skills required, the role of the appraiser, job description & jobspecification, appraisal methods, raters errors, data collection, conducting an appraisal interview, follow up &validation, present thoughts & future directions.

Unit-3 Performance management & employee development 5 hours

Personal Development plans, 360 degree feed back as adevelopmental tool, performance management & reward systems: performance linked remuneration system,performance linked career planning & promotion policy,.

Unit-4 Performance Consulting 5 hours

Concept, the need for performance consulting, role of the performance consulting,designing and using performance relationship maps, contracting for performance consulting services, organizing performance improvement department.

Unit-5 Competency method in Human Resource Management 6 hours

Features of competency methods, historicaldevelopment, definitions, approaches to mapping and case studies in competency mapping.

Unit-6 Competency mapping procedures and steps 8 hours

business strategies, performance criteria, criteria sampling, toolsfor data collection, data analysis, validating the competency models, short cut method, mapping future jobs andsingle incumbent jobs, using competency profiles in HR decisions.

Unit-7 Methods of data collection for mapping 8 hours

observation, repertory grid, critical incidence technique, expertpanels, surveys, automated expert system, job task analysis, behavioural event interview

Unit-8 Developing competency models from raw data 6 hours

data recording, analysing the data, content analysis of verbalexpression, validating the competency models

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023