advantages of JAVA, JAVA & Internet, Short history of JAVA, Commonmisconceptions about JAVA
developing environment, using command line tools, using an integrateddevelopment environment, compiling and running programs using a text editor.
a simple JAVA program, comments, data types, variables,assignments and initialization, operators, strings, control flow, arrays
vocabulary of OOP, Objects, relationship between classes, static fields and methods,method parameters, object construction, documentation comments
extending classes, cosmic super class, reflection, interfaces, object classes, inner classes, proxies, applets- applet basics, applet HTML, Tags and attributes, multimedia, applet context
basics of event handling, AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) event hierarchy, semantic andlow level events in AWT, Actions, Multicasting, Event Queue, graphics programming, introduction to Swing,creating frame, frame position, displaying information in a panel, 2D shapes, colours, texts & fonts, images
Introduction to layout management, Text input, making choices,menus, sophisticated layout management, dialog boxes
dealing with errors, catching exception, tips on using exception, debuggingtechniques, using a debugger, streams and files, putting streams to use, object streams, File Management, Introduction to JAVA Scripting and JAVA Beans.