10MBAMM311 Business marketing syllabus for MBA

Unit-1 Dimensions of Industrial Marketing 6 hours

Nature of Industrial Marketing, Industrial Marketing vs. ConsumerMarketing, Economics of Industrial demand – The Resellers Market – The Industrial Marketing Concept,Understanding Industrial Markets, Types of Industrial Markets, Classifying Industrial Products, OrganizationalProcurement Characteristics – The Industrial Marketing Environment, Environmental effect on IndustrialMarket with special reference to Government rule.

Unit-2 Nature of Industrial buying 7 hours

Organisational buying Activity, Buying models and buying centre concept, InterPersonal Dynamics of Industrial Buying Behavior, Roles of Buying centre, Conflict Resolution in DecisionMaking Ethics in Purchasing

Unit-3 Market Segmentation 8 hours

Choosing Target Segments, Positioning, Differentiated and Un-Differentiated Markets,Concentrated and Niche Markets, Positioning Strategies, Difference between Industrial Market Research and Consumer Market Research

Unit-4 Formulating Product Planning 7 hours

Formulating Product Planning: Developing Product Strategy, Analyzing Industrial Product Life Cycle,Developing Strategies for new and existing productsBusiness Service Marketing: Special Challenges

Unit-5 Formulating Channel Strategy 6 hours

Industrial Distributor, Definition, Geographical Distribution, SizeCharacteristics, operating characteristics, Role of Sales Agent and their drawbacks, choice of the rightDistributors, Participation of other Channel Members in Industrial Distribution- Channel Logistics- Relationshipof Logistics & Physical Distribution, Total Cost approach customer service, assessing the customer service,Identifying the cost centers.

Unit-6 Pricing Strategies 6 hours

Price Determinants, Factors that Influence the Pricing Strategies, concept of learningcurves, Pricing Strategies, Competitive Bidding, Leasing

Unit-7 The Promotional Strategies 6 hours

Advertising in Industrial Markets, uses, Message Formulation, policies, media,budgetary support, evaluation of advertising- sales Promotion- Use of Sales Promotion in Industrial Markets,trade shows and exhibitions B 2 B Forms of E-Commerce

Unit-8 Management of Sales Force 10 hours

Management of Sales Force: Managing the Industrial Sales Force, Organizing and controlling the industrial sales force activity, planning for the sales force Deployment. Personal Selling: Selecting and Recruitment of Industrial sales person, sales training, Directing, Motivating, Task Assignment, Compensation, Measuring the Effectiveness of Sales Force.Relationship Sales and Marketing, Four forms of Seller Roles (6 Hours)Case studies in Indian context only (4 Hours)

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023