16MBAMM402 Integrated Marketing Communication syllabus for MBA

Unit-1 Role of IMC in marketing process 10 hours

Role of IMC in marketing process, IMC planning model, Marketing and promotion processmodel. Communication process, steps involved in developing IMC programme, Effectiveness ofmarketing communications Purpose, Role, Functions, Types, Advertising Vs Marketing mix,Advertising appeal in various stages of PLC

Unit-2 Advertising Agency 8 hours

Advertising Agency: Type of agencies, Services offered by various agencies, Criteria forselecting the agencies and evaluation.


Advertising objectives and Budgeting: Goal setting – DAGMAR approach, various budgeting methods used.

Unit-3 Media planning 8 hours

Media planning: Developing Media plan, Problems encountered, Media Evaluation- Print,Broadcast media, Support media in advertising.


Media strategy: Creativity, Elements of creative strategies and its implementation, Importance of Headline and body copy.

Unit-4 Direct Marketing 8 hours

Direct Marketing: Features, Functions, Growth, Advantages/Disadvantages, And DirectMarketing Strategies.


Promotion: Meaning, Importance, tools used, Conventional/unconventional, drawbacks, pushpull strategies, Co-operative advertising, Integration with advertising and publicity


Public relation/ Publicity:- Meaning, Objectives, tools of public relations, Public relationstrategies, Goals of publicity, Corporate Advertising – Role, Types, Limitations, PR Vs Publicity.

Unit-5 Monitoring, Evaluation and control 8 hours

Monitoring, Evaluation and control: Measurement in advertising, various methods used forevaluation, Pre-testing, Post testing.

Unit-6 International Advertising 14 hours

International Advertising(10 Hours): Global environment in advertising, Decision areas in internationaladvertising Internet advertising: Meaning, Components, Advantages and Limitations, Types of Internetadvertising Industrial advertising: B 2 B Communication, Special issues in Industrial selling.


Case studies in Indian context only (4 Hours)

Practical Components:

  • Study the IMC programs adopted by various colleges to students applying for anMBA course? Is the tactic adopted by your college right? If no, what are your suggestions?


  • Study the role of newspapers, radio, television, billboards, internet and other media in the marketing of mobiles. cold drinks, jeans, mobiles etc.


  • Observe a marriage in your family and write about how you would ‘event manage’ it?


  • Take an advertisement introducing a new product like soap, biscuit etc and find the media in which it was advertised. Ask your friends if they can recall this advertisement and the message. Analyse if they would or would not buy the product on the basis of this advertisement? And why?


Students can do a survey on effective media communications.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023