16MBAMM404 Strategic Brand Management syllabus for MBA

Unit-1 Introduction to the concept of Brand Management 8 hours

Introduction to the concept of Brand Management: Brand –Meaning, Definition, Evolution of Brands, Functions of Brand to consumer, Role of Brand- Advantages of Brand, Product Vs Brand,

Branding- Meaning, Creation of Brands through goods, services, people, Organisation, Retailstores, places, online, entertainment, ideas, challenges to Brand builders

Brand Management-Meaning & Definition.

Strategic Brand Management Process-Meaning, Steps in Brand Management Process Strong Indian Brands

Unit-2 Customer Based Brand Equity 8 hours

Customer Based Brand Equity: Customer Based Brand Equity-Meaning, Model of CBBE

Brand Equity: Meaning, Sources, Steps in Building Brands, Brand building blocks- Resonance,Judgments, Feelings, performance, imagery, salience-Brand Building Implications, DavidAaker’s Brand Equity Model.

Brand Identity & Positioning: Meaning of Brand identity, Need for Identity & Positioning,Dimensions of brand identity, Brand identity prism,

Brand positioning – Meaning, Point of parity & Point of difference, positioning guidelines

Brand Value: Definition, Core Brand values, Brand mantras, Internal branding,

Unit-3 Choosing Brand Elements to Build Brand Equity 10 hours

Choosing Brand Elements to Build Brand Equity: Criteria for choosing brand elements, options & tactics for brand elements-Brand name, Namingguidelines, Naming procedure, Awareness, Brand Associations, Logos & Symbols & theirbenefits, Characters & Benefits, Slogans & Benefits, Packaging.


Leveraging Brand Knowledge: Meaning of Brand Knowledge, Dimensions of Brand Knowledge, Meaning of LeveragingSecondary Brand Knowledge & Conceptualizing the leverage process.

Unit-4 Brand Value chain 10 hours

Brand Value chain- Designing Brand Tracking studies, Establishing brand Equity Management Systems.

Methods for measuring Brand Equity- Quantitative Techniques & Quantitative Techniques,Comparative methods-Brand based comparisons, marketing based comparisons- ConjointAnalysis, Holistic methods.

Managing Brand Equity:Brand Reinforcement, Brand Revitalization, Brand Crisis.

Unit-5 Designing and sustaining branding strategies 8 hours

Designing and sustaining branding strategies:Brand hierarchy, Branding strategy, Brand extension and brand transfer, Managing Brands overtime. Brand Architecture and brand consolidation.

Brand Imitations:Meaning of Brand Imitation, Kinds of imitations, Factors affecting Brand Imitation, Imitation VsLater market entry, First movers advantages, Free rider effects, Benefits for later entrants,Imitation Strategies.

Unit-6 Making Brands go Global 12 hours

Making Brands go Global(8 Hours):Geographic extension, sources of opportunities for global brand, single name to global brand,consumers & globalization, conditions favoring marketing, barriers to globalization, managerialblockages, organization for a global brand, pathways to globalization.


Luxury Brand Management: Luxury definition and relativity, luxury goods and luxury brands, basic psychologicalphenomena associated with luxury purchase, luxury marketing mix, luxury retail, Internationalluxury markets: historical leaders and emerging countries.


Case studies (4 Hours)

Practical Components:

  • Go to a supermarket and find the brand elements in various brands of soaps, mobiles,jeans, and other product


  • If you would start an MBA College, what would the positioning be with POP’s and POD’s?


  • Pick up your college, analyse its positioning and how would you reposition it?


  • Pick a multiproduct company and as completely as possible analyze its brand portfolio and brand extensions?


  • Consider some groups like Tata’s , Birla’s, Infosys etc – what is their branding strategy


  • Students are supposed to assess the product life cycle and appraise alternative approaches to luxury brand management.


  • Students can select any two popular brands and identify and examine the criteria for success in the luxury brand industry.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023