16MBAMM405 Rural Marketing syllabus for MBA

Unit-1 Introduction to Indian Rural Marketing 8 hours

Introduction to Indian Rural Marketing: Definition, scope of rural marketing, concepts, classification of rural markets, rural vs. urban markets. Rural marketing environment: Population, occupation pattern, income generation, location of rural population, expenditure pattern, literacy level, land distribution, land use pattern, irrigation, development programs, infrastructure facilities, rural credit institutions, rural retail outlets, print media in rural areas,rural areas requirement, rural demand and rural market index, problems in rural marketing.

Unit-2 Rural Consumer behaviour 8 hours

Rural Consumer behaviour: Consumer buying behaviour models, Factors affecting ConsumerBehaviour, Social factors, Technological Factors, Economic Factors, Political Factors,Characteristics of Rural consumer- Age and Stages of the Life cycle, Occupation and Income, Economic circumstances, Lifestyle, Personality and Brand Belief, Information Search and prepurchase Evaluation, Rise of Consumerism, Consumer Buying Process, Opinion LeadershipProcess, Diffusion of Innovation, Brand Loyalty.


Researching Rural Market: Sensitizing rural market, Research design- reference frame,Research approach, Diffusion of innovation, Development studies, PRA approach, The need forPRA, Sampling, Operational aspects of data collection,

Unit-3 Rural Marketing of FMCG’s 8 hours

Rural Marketing of FMCG’s: Indian FMCG industry, characteristics of Indian FMCG sector,Challenges in the FMCG industry, Rural Marketing of FMCG’s: Select case studies


Rural Marketing of Consumer durables: Issues related to consumer durables in the ruralmarket, Rural Marketing of Consumer durables: Select case studies


Rural marketing of financial services: Marketing objectives and approaches, Evolution of ruralbanking after independence, Challenges in marketing for banking services in rural, opportunitiesfor banking in rural areas, marketing strategies for banking services

Unit-4 Marketing of agricultural inputs 10 hours

Marketing of agricultural inputs: Indian tractor industry: A brief overview, Challenges forIndian tractor industry, factors suggesting better future prospects for tractor industry, marketingstrategies for tractor industry


Fertilizer industry in India: Marketing of fertilizer industry, classification of fertilizer industry,Challenges for marketing of fertilizer industry, marketing strategies for fertilizer industry.


Indian agrochemical market: Marketing environment for agrochemicals in India, factorsaffecting agro chemicals market growth, structural challenges faced by Indian agrochemicalindustry, marketing strategies for agro chemicals.

Unit-5 Marketing of agricultural produce 8 hours

Marketing of agricultural produce: Profiling of Indian agricultural produces marketing,challenges in marketing of agricultural produce, Strategies to promote marketing of agriculturalproduce Marketing of rural artisan products, Characteristics of Indian handicrafts industry, Challenges for rural artisan sector, Government policy towards handicrafts sector, marketing strategies for the development of rural artisan sector


Corporate sector in agri-business: Reasons for increased interest of corporate sector in agribusiness, opportunities, in the agri-business, benefits of corporate driven agri-business system involvement of corporate sector in agri-business

Unit-6 Distribution Strategy 14 hours

Distribution Strategy: Introduction Accessing Rural Markets, Coverage Status in Rural Markets, Channels of Distribution, Evolution of Rural Distribution Systems- Wholesaling, Rural Retail System, Vans, Rural Mobile Traders: The last Mile Distribution, Haats/Shandies, Public Distribution System, Co-operative Societies Behaviour of the Channel, Prevalent Rural Distribution Models- Distribution Models of FMCG Companies, Distribution Model of Durable Companies, Distribution of fake products, Emerging Distribution Models- Corporate –SHG Linkage, Satellite Distribution, Syndicated Distribution, ITC’s Distribution Model, Petrol pumps and Extension counters, Barefoot agents, Agricultural agents, Agricultural input dealers, Other channels, Ideal distribution model for Rural Digitalizing the Indian rural markets-e-rural marketing: select live case studies-ITC e-choupal, TARA haat, EID Parry’s Indiaagriline, Kandhamal Apex Spices Association for Marketing(KASAM)


Communication strategy: Challenges in Rural Communication, A view of CommunicationProcess, Developing Effective- Profiling the Target Audience, Determining communicationobjectives, designing the message, selecting the communication channels, deciding thepromotion mix, Creating advertisement for rural audiences rural media- Mass media, Non-Conventional Media, Personalized media, Rural Media: The importance of the two-step flow ofcommunication Media Typology, The Media Model, Media innovation, Influence of ConsumerBehaviour on Communication strategies


Practical Components:

  • Visit to the various Micro Finance Institutes, who extend their services in catering rural market.


  • Visit to a village and understand the market structure and also understand the functioning part of the rural markets


  • Students should come up with new product designing with the rural marketing mix 4 As (Awareness, Acceptability, Adaptability and Affordability)


  • Students can do a survey on corporate farming and its effect on income of the rural farmer.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023