Introduction to sales management:
Meaning, Evaluation, Importance, Personal Selling, Emerging Trends in Sales Management, elementary study of sales organizations, qualities and responsibilities of sales manager. Types of sales organizations.
Selling skills & selling strategies:
Selling and buying Styles, selling skills, situations, selling process, sales presentation, Handling customer objections, Follow-u action.
Management of Sales Territory & Sales Quota:
Sales territory, meaning, size, designing, sales quota, procedure for sales quota. Types of sales quota, Methods of setting quota. Recruitment and selection of sales force, Training of sales force.
Sales force motivation and compensation:
Nature of motivation, Importance, Process and factors in the motivation, Compensation-Meaning, Types of compensation plans and evaluation of sales force by performance and appraisal process. Sales management job: Standard sales management process-international sales management -international market selection market survey approach or strategy.
Sales Manager and Sales Person:
Role of sales manager and sales people; functions of sales manager, functions of sales person, types and characteristics of sales manager and sales people-Time management for sales manager and sales person.
Selling on the internet:
Selling agents for internet trading-net selling, advertising in net trading, payment system in internet trading-smart card, credit card, debit card- payment by card: advantages and disadvantages; How to make internet selling safe-Digital signature, biometric method and legal or regulatory environment; Growth of internet trading in India.
• Interview a salesperson and write a brief report about what they like and dislike about their jobs, their salary, travelling allowances, sales quotas, why chose sales career, and what does it take to succeed in this profession.
• Ask your friends if they would buy certain goods like groceries, vegetables, socks, mobile, pens etc from the roadside vendor as against a regular shop. Group the products into low risk and high risk ones. Does this buying behaviour also depend on the personality of the individual doing the buying? Or the one doing the selling?
• Students can make a presentation on any product or the services of student choice, covering selling strategies and one day work exposure towards merchandising in any big retail outlets of respective places where the institute if operating. Rural colleges can send the students to the city nearby to observe the merchandising planning in retail outlets and to make a small report.
• Roles and functions of sales manager and sales people are different in every organization Sales people view the roles of sales managers in their own way and vice versa. You are the sales manager of a company. You make an analysis of what you feel should be roles of a sales manager and a salesperson for maximizing sales of the organization.
• Your company is active in internet trading. A current issue in internet trading is : how to make internet selling safe. Different methods have been suggested for safety or security of internet trading. You have to analyze different methods and recommend a method for your company.
Student should be able to
1. Understand the apply the selling techniques in an organisation.
2. Develop a plan for organising, staffing & training sales force.
3. Organise sales territories to maximize selling effectiveness.
4. Evaluate sales management strategies.
• Sales Management by Charles, Futrell, 6/e, Thomson South Western, 2003.
• Sales & Distribution Management, Tapan K. Panda & Sunil Sahadev, 6/e, OxfordUniversity Press.
• Managing of Sales Force by Spiro Stanton Rich, 11/e, TMH, 2003.
• Sales & Retail Management, an Indian perspective by Dr.S.L Gupta, 1/e, Excel Books,2007.
• Salesmanship and Sales Management-P.K Sahu & K C Raut, 3/e, Vikas PublishingHouse3.
• Sales Management-Douglas J Dalrymple, William L Crowe-John Wiley & Co.