13MCA21 Data Structures Using C syllabus for MCA

Unit-1 Introduction to Data Structures 10 hours

Information and its meaning: Abstract Data Types, Sequences as Value Definitions, ADTfor Varying length character Strings, Data Types,Pointers and review of Pointers, DataStructures. Arrays : Array as an ADT, Using One-dimensional Arrays, Implementing One-Dimensional Arrays, Arrays as Parameters, Handling of Character Strings and CharacterStrings

Unit-2 The Stack 8 hours

Definition and examples , Primitive operations, Example, The stack as an ADT,Representing stacks ,Implementing the pop operation, Testing for exceptional conditions ,Implementing the push operations , Examples for infix , postfix, and prefix expressions,Basic definition and Examples ,Program to evaluate a postfix expression ,Converting anexpression from infix to postfix, Program to convert an expression from infix to postfix,Applications of Stacks: Expression Evaluations, Recursion etc.

Unit-3 Recursion 4 hours

Recursive definition and processes, Factorial function, Multiplication of naturalnumbers, Fibonacci sequence, Binary search, Properties of recursive definition oralgorithm. Binary search, Towers of Hanoi problem.

Unit-4 Queues and Lists 12 hours

The queue and its sequential representation, the queue as ADT, Insert operation, Priorityqueue, Array implementation of a priority queue. Linked lists, Inserting and removing nodesfrom a list, Linked implementations of stacks, getnode and Freenode operations, Linkedimplementation of queues, Linked list as a data Structure, Example of list operations,Header nodes, Array implementation of lists, Limitations of array implementation,allocating and freeing dynamic variables, Linked lists using dynamic variables, Non integerand non-homogenous lists, Other list structures: Circular lists, Stack as a circular lists,doubly linked lists, Application of Linked Lists: Stacks, Queues, Double-ended Queues,Priority Queues.

Unit-5 Sorting 8 hours

Bubble sort, Quick sort, Selection sort, Tree Sorting: Binary Tree Sort, Heap Sort,Insertion Sorts: Simple Insertion, Shell Sort, Address Calculation Sort, Merge and Radix Sort.

Unit-6 Searching 5 hours

Basic Search Techniques: Algorithmic Notations, Sequential searching, Searching anordered table, Indexed sequential search, Binary search, Interpolation search, Treesearching: Inserting into a Binary Search Tree ,Deleting form a binary search tree, Hashing :Resolving hash clashes by open addressing, Choosing a hash Function.

Unit-7 Binary Trees 5 hours

Tree traversals, Binary Search Tree and Operations, AVL Tree and Operations, Red-BlackTree, Threaded binary trees and operations.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023