1. Convert a prefix notation to postfix notation.2. Evaluate a given postfix expression and its values for the variables.3. Simulate the working of circular queue providing the following operations–Insert,Delete and Display.4. Demonstrate recursiona. Calculate GCD and LCM of 3 integer numbersb. Solve Towers of Hanoi Problemc. Calculate the sum for a given number ‘n’ from 1 to n.5. Simulate the working of a linked list providing the following operationsa. Insert at the beginningb. Insert at the endc. Insert before a given elementd. Insert at the positione. Display6. Simulate the working of a circular linked list providing the followingoperationsa. Delete from the beginningb. Delete from the endc. Delete a given elementd. Delete every alternate elemente. DisplayInsert is mandatory.7. Simulate the working of a dequeue.8. Simulate the working of a double linked list to implement stack and queue.9. Create a binary tree and implement the tree traversal techniques of inorder, preorderand postorder.10. Implement quick sort.11. Implement Heap sort.12. Implement the search techniques ofa. Linear Searchb. Binary Search13 Write a Program toa) Create AVL Treeb) Insert element to AVL treec) Find the height of the AVL tree