13MCA36 Java Programming Lab syllabus for MCA

Unit-1 0 hours

a. Write a JAVA Program to demonstrate Constructor Overloading and MethodOverloading.

b.Write a JAVA Program to implement Inner class and demonstrate its Accessprotection.

Unit-2 0 hours

Write a program in Java for String handling which performs the following:

i) Checks the capacity of StringBuffer objects.
ii) Reverses the contents of a string given on console and converts the resultant string inupper case.
iii) Reads a string from console and appends it to the resultant string of ii.

Unit-3 0 hours

a. Write a JAVA Program to demonstrate Inheritance.
b. Simple Program on Java for the implementation of Multiple inheritance usinginterfaces to calculate the area of a rectangle and triangle.

Unit-4 0 hours

Write a JAVA program which has
i. A Class called Account that creates account with 500Rs minimum balance, a deposit()method to deposit amount, a withdraw() method to withdraw amount and also throwsLessBalanceException if an account holder tries to withdraw money which makes thebalance become less than 500Rs.
ii. A Class called LessBalanceException which returns the statement that says withdrawamount ( Rs) is not valid.
iii. A Class which creates 2 accounts, both account deposit money and one accounttries to withdraw more money which generates a LessBalanceException takeappropriate action for the same.

Unit-5 0 hours

Write a JAVA program using Synchronized Threads, which demonstrates ProducerConsumer concept.

Unit-6 0 hours

Write a JAVA program to implement a Queue using user defined Exception Handling(also make use of throw, throws.).

Unit-7 0 hours

Complete the following:

1. Create a package named shape.
2. Create some classes in the package representing some common shapes like Square,Triangle, and Circle.
3. Import and compile these classes in other program.

Unit-8 0 hours

Write a JAVA Program

a. Create an enumeration Day of Week with seven values SUNDAY throughSATURDAY. Add a method is Workday( ) to the DayofWeek class that returns true ifthe value on which it is called is MONDAY through FRIDAY.For example, the call DayOfWeek.SUNDAY.isWorkDay ( ) returns false.

Unit-9 0 hours

Write a JAVA program which has

i. A Interface class for Stack Operations
ii. A Class that implements the Stack Interface and creates a fixed length Stack.
iii. A Class that implements the Stack Interface and creates a Dynamic length Stack.
iv. A Class that uses both the above Stacks through Interface reference and does theStack operations that demonstrates the runtime binding.

Unit-10 0 hours

Write a JAVA program to print a chessboard pattern.

Unit-11 0 hours

Write a JAVA Program which uses FileInputStream / FileOutPutStream Classes.

Unit-12 0 hours

Write JAVA programs which demonstrates utilities of LinkedList Class.

Unit-13 0 hours

Write a JAVA program which uses Datagram Socket for Client Server Communication.

Unit-14 0 hours

Write a JAVA applet program, which handles keyboard event.

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023