13MCA37 Computer Graphics Lab syllabus for MCA

Part A
Unit-1 0 hours

1. Write a program to create a chess board using DDA line algorithm
2. Write a program to implement Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm with all values ofslopes
3. Write a program to implement Midpoint circle generation algorithm
4. Write a program to create a wireframe model of globe using equation of ellipse
5. Write a program to create and fill the two dimensional object by using boundary fillalgorithm
6. Write a program to create (without using built in function) a cube by implementingtranslation algorithm by translating along 1. X-axis, 2.Y-axis and 3. X and Y plane
7. Write a program to create (without using built in function) and rotate (1. given an angle2. Around x and y axis) a triangle by implementing rotation algorithm.
8. Write a program to create (without using built in function) a triangle by implementingscaling algorithm by zooming/un-zooming along 1. X-axis, 2.Y-axis and 3. X and Yplane
9. Write a program to create (without using built in function) a Cube by implementingreflection algorithm 1. X-axis, 2.Y-axis
10. Write a program to create (without using built in function) a square by implementingshear algorithm along 1. X-axis, 2.Y-axis
11. Write a program to animate a flag using Bezier Curve algorithm
12. Write a program to clip lines using Liang-Barsky algorithm

Part B
Unit-2 0 hours

1. Develop different chart options with the given inputs by applying DDA algorithm
2. Develop different line styles using Bresenham’s algorithm
3. Develop different circular patterns using midpoint circle generation algorithm
4. Animate cube and globe with given attributes
5. Develop a screen saver with curves with given attributes
6. Develop a screen saver with text with given attributes
7. Develop a screen saver with 2D objects
8. Develop a screen saver with bouncing of 3D objects
9. Develop creative natural scenery.
10. Animate a bicycle / car with given attributes

Note:Students Should Complete All Programs from Part-A and Any Two Programs from Part –B Using Open GL. Consider all types attributes like color, thickness, styles, font,background, speed etc while doing Part - B.

In the examination each student picks one question from the lot of all 12 que s t ions fromPart – A and demonstrate any program from Part-B

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023