13MCA451 Cryptography & Network Security syllabus for MCA

Unit-1 Introduction 3 hours

OSI Security Architecture, Security Attacks, Security Services, Security Mechanism, Model forNetwork Security.

Unit-2 Classical Encryption Technique 5 hours

Symmetric Cipher Model, Substitution Techniques, Transposition Techniques

Unit-3 Block Ciphers, Data Encryption Standard and Advanced Encryption Standard 8 hours

Block Cipher Principles, The Data Encryption Standard, Block Cipher Design Principles andModes of operation, Evaluation Criteria for AES, AES Cipher-Encryption and Decryption, DataStructure, Encryption Round.

Unit-4 Public Key Cryptography and Key Management 6 hours

Principles of Public Key Cryptosystem, RSA algorithm, Key management, Diffie Hellman Keyexchange

Unit-5 Message Authentication and Hash Function 6 hours

Authentication Requirement, Authentication Functions, Message Authentication Code, HashFunctions, Digital Signatures, Digital Signature Standard

Unit-6 Authentication Applications 5 hours

Kerberos, X.509 Authentication Service

Unit-7 Electronic Mail Security 5 hours

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), S/MIME

Unit-8 IP Security 5 hours

IP Security Overview; IP Security Architecture; Authentication Header; Encapsulating SecurityPayload; Combining Security Associations; Key Management.

Unit-9 Web Security 5 hours

Web security Considerations; Secure Socket layer (SSL) and Transport layer Security (TLS);Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)

Unit-10 System Security 4 hours

Intruders, Intrusion Detection, Firewall Design Principles- Characteristics, Types of Firewalland Firewall Configuration

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023