13MCA453 NOSQL syllabus for MCA

Unit-1 Introduction to NOSQL 6 hours

Definition of NOSQL, History of NOSQL and Different NOSQL products, ExploringMondoDB Java/Ruby/Python, Interfacing and Interacting with NOSQL

Unit-2 NOSQL Basics 12 hours

NOSQL Storage Architecture, CRUD operations with MongoDB, Querying, Modifying andManaging NOSQL Data stores, Indexing and ordering datasets(MongoDB/CouchDB/Cassandra)

Unit-3 Advanced NOSQL 8 hours

NOSQL in CLOUD, Parallel Processing with Map Reduce, BigData with Hive

Unit-4 Working with NOSQL 10 hours

Surveying Database Internals, Migrating from RDBMS to NOSQL, Web Frameworksand NOSQL, using MySQL as a NOSQL

Unit-5 Developing Web Application with NOSQL and NOSQL Administration 16 hours

Php and MongoDB, Python and MongoDB, Creating Blog Application with PHP,NOSQL Database Administration

Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023